
Thursday, February 16, 2023

WEEK 206---2022 Most Memorable Beer List---by CT (KL) PART 1/2

As with previous list--my 2022 list been divided into 2 parts--one with mainly stouts & mead--another with styles such as saison, lambic & more--This one if going by newspaper column sequences should be part 2 but since both are my list anyway so  here we go....
一如之前, 去年的个人最有印象酒单按不同酒类分开写,一篇主要是黑啤/蜜酒, 另一篇则是以农场风格啤酒/天然发酵酸啤类型为主。要依照报章专栏先后序的话这篇应该是续篇,不过都是个人酒单也无所谓先後了。。。
Personally, saison & lambic are 2 styles very much my favourites--hence no surprises why this list is basically dominated by these 2 styles:-
1)Antidoot L'IIIumine Gorsenkriek
Had a few Antidoot last year--this one obviously stood out with it's very distinctive nose and flavours performance--aged in Bordeaux wine barrel with tart cherries for 14 months--it was lovely--nothing overly sour--quite jammy with some sweetness coming through the balance sour.

2) Bokke Framboos Kriek Tonka
Cracked 2 Bokke last year--the other one was a Zomerhof(with peaches-cherries-wine grapes)--this one is a mix of 3 different variants of rapsberries--from nose to balance of sourness to lambic funk & pleasing rapsberry influence combined with the vanilla-ish slightly sweet flavours of Tonka bean on both nose and palate--this one would edge out Zomerhof if i can only pick one from the 2.

3) Bofkont Dancing in the Moonlight
A very apricot forward lambic though this is a blend using 3 different fruits(apricots-peaches-riesling grapes)--quite sour especially when newly poured but got better as the beer gets warmer--not as balance but if you like apricots flavours then this one is quite nice.

4) Casey Velvet
The one thing with American sour that some geeks keep saying about is how in your face puckering at times American made sours can be--of course this is not to say there is no nice 7 balance sour beers from the land reknown for big stouts and bold/hoppy/juicy ipas--This one is a collab brew with Side Project--apricots heavy light sour beer--for an American sour beer this is rather nice with nice aroma from the fruits--sourness is medium--very drinkable one. 
美国酸啤时不时展现的横冲直撞酸度风味表现常让人诟病,因为美好的酸啤就算做不到均衡有度也绝不能只是单调的一味酸死人不赔命,Casey作坊这款大手加入杏果的作品(每加仑5磅杏子)是和Side Project合酿,口感闻香带酸充满果香但没有过酸弊病,是不错的一款。

5)Hill Farmstead Dorothy Southern Hemisphere
This is basically still very much a farmhouse ale though the idea is to experiment with hops from the southern most ( and northern most) of the planet--the added hops did not jump to the front of queue and dominated all the way but rather just stayed at the background quietly--it's very much still an elegant/layered/ easy drinking well water brew with light sourness note. Had Northern version too last year--also a really nice one.
Vermont农场酿坊的啤酒花调试风味作品,以常态款Dorothy 为基酒分别加入来自地球南端和北端的啤酒花酿成的作品,三款南半球不同啤酒花的出现并没有喧宾夺主而只是铺佐,酒还是一贯优雅的微果酸回甘易喝有层次农场啤酒风格。去年也喝了北半球酒花版本--同样是美味易喝的作品。


6) Tommie Sjef Kriek
A kriek at times could be rather sour or one dimensional if not well made--this blend of 1 & 2 year old lambic soak in sour cherries is burst with notes of cherries-almond-cinnamon as well some rose like floral nose and flavours--not really complex or multi layered but comfortable one.


SPECIAL Mentioning:-
7) Cantillon Drogone
had this during a share--the first thought upon sipping was this could be a miss rather than hit because perhaps a few more months of aging would make this one taste better than it did.
能在本地喝到比利时顶级酸啤酿坊的Cantillon Drogone是值得开心的事,不过这款作品喝起来让人感觉喝早了,再收藏久些风味表现应该会更好。

9) Bazan Hibiscus Cider
definitely a pleasant surprise--brought back from Vietnam by fellow geek friend from #KLtastinggroup--what was nice about this easy drinking one is the ginger like nose and flavours coming through--and did not just fade away in seconds after pour as it gets warmer.
越南酿坊Bazan Hibiscus Cider是去年的意外惊喜,以木槿(大红花)入味的苹果酒,闻香口感都有类似姜的风味但不呛而是适当的提升了酒的味道层次,易喝但不单调。

10) Antidoot Analogia II (appel/ Gewurztraminer)
A barrel aged cider--wild fermented with apples--don't sound very complex or promising? well the performance of this cider was rather the opposite--easy drinking yes but never dull.

11) Side Project Fermier
A nice saison--soft-lemony but not overly sour--quite balance for my liking--nice easy drinking one.
带有微酸柠檬气息的均衡易喝农场风格啤酒, 不是什么让人惊艳的作品但“可喝度" 相当高。

12) Cantillon Saint Lamvinus
Had this lambic quite a many times already--but this recent batch bottle cracked last year was very very nice--the fruits was obvious--funk and sourness was at very pleasing level--only issue is how to get more....
这款不同年份批次的喝过一些, 这支一开喝就觉得惊喜,果酸香和天然发酵带出的霉香都很出色,整体均衡美味。

13) Root & Branch Abysmal Thoughts
the only ipa-neipa in the list--it's very hard to get very fresh high quality American ipas here in KL since there's basically no supply in the retail market--getting own beer mail in is the only way but that's also not as easy as it maybe if compare to places like Hong Kong.
This one is quite my preference of neipa since it's more towards mellow and subtle side rather than in your face level of thick juicy hoppy brew.

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