Many of of us probably has seen this apes to human evolution pic weeks ago when it started circulating on craft beer related social media---this is of course an opinion by someone or perhaps a kinda joke or even some form of sarcasm--regardless if one would agree with what was depicted---one thing is for sure--LAGER is undoubtedly the most commonly accepted/consumed type of beer--and rather sadly we are talking about MACRO LAGER.
啤迷朋友A看到这张图第一反应是,“制作这图的大概没有遇到好喝的蜜酒(Mead)或轻型蜜酒/苹果酒(Hard Cider) 。”
The first reaction/comments from two of my beer geeks friends upon seeing the pic was:-
A "obviously that guy haven't bumped into delicious top notch mead or hard cider yet"
B "yes-- sometimes it's common to want to drink something simple but certainly NOT MACRO LAGER anymore."
It is a fact that many of us craft beer drinkers/lovers/geeks--including many brewers all been drinking MACRO LAGER in the early years before diving into the deep wide world of craft--and that's partly why some brewers decided to turn home brew into business--to provide proper/delicious/varieties of choices for the beer drinkers.
在craft beer的世界,Lager并不是拒绝往来户,有不少酿酒师会酿造自家版本Lager,以好原材料酿造并给与时间静置,基本概念是低酒精度清爽易喝性高,但前提是没有大量工业生产大厂啤酒那种难以下咽不良风味。
In the world of craft beer---LAGER is not a style that's rejected--nope--far from it---there are many craft brewers who do their version of lager---no one is saying craft beer is only about big complex beers---craft drinkers do love some easy drinking/ refreshing brew at times. The world of craft beer is about varieties of styles/choices---lager is one of the styles.
In a way---because of years of market dominance by MACRO LAGER---there are perhaps 3 categories of beer drinkers:-
Category A---drinkers who only drink MACRO and don't care about choices.
Category B---people who don't care about a beer being craft or MACRO or MACRO-OWNED-CRAFT--so long it's tasting all right---a beer is a beer.
Category C---beer geeks who draw a very clear line between craft and MACRO--there's no compromising of the two whatsoever.
或许可以这么说,喝啤酒的世界中大概有三种人,第一种是从来只知道也只会喝大厂啤酒特别是Lager的,第二种是不管大厂Lager或精酿craft beer只要自己觉得喜欢就好的,第三种是把大厂啤酒和craft beer分界线画得非常清楚,一旦投入到craft的无边黑洞就不可能回头。
Looking at the pic---though assuming the creator was meaning craft lager---the rather interesting question would be---how many craft beer drinkers( never mind geeks) would happily go back to drinking a MACRO LAGER again?
的确,很多喝craft beer的包括不少当今大名鼎鼎酿酒师都从喝大厂Lager开始,这或许就像人都从学走路开始那样,喝啤酒也大约如此的由浅入深,换个角度来说,喝craft beer其实是改变个人对啤酒味道认知的过程,是从只知道大厂Lager味道开始接触更多不同风味更丰富层次啤酒新世界的一个改变,也是让味蕾开始有更多新发现的改变。
A question i am rather curious about was this---is there someone out there who have sort of seen all/drank all and decided enough is enough--time to go back to basics--meaning he or she been drinking all the super hyped/ hyped but super good/under-rated but awesome--so on and so forth---and decided from now on a simple lager is all he/she needs---to this end--personally speaking:-
1) i have yet to meet someone of this level
2) a glass of ice-water will be more comforting than drinking a MACRO LAGER for sure.
不过,如果要问说喝craft beer是不是会有看尽繁华返璞归真现象,意思是说当一个人嚐尽了世上所有高手酿酒师最厉害最被尊崇最被人追捧作品之后,觉得再美味再复杂再怎么让人惊艳的啤酒/蜜酒都变不是那么有趣了所以不如倒回去喝最简单的Lager算了,这样的事情,个人来说,第一没遇到过这种级别的啤迷,第二是会觉得喝白开水加冰会比喝大厂Lager好喝自在许多。
WEEK 83--Craft Beer Hierarchy of Needs--Maslow's theory style
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