This week's column is about Hong Kong craft scene--and of course Moonzen.
Hong Kong has been missing from my list of places to visit for a very long time--for obvious reasons--no more work related trip needed--no "must visit" friends there--and until say last 4 or 5 years ago--no Craft Beer reasons to visit too since the scene there is not much better than say KL.
The craft scene in HK however did quicken the steps forward around 3 years ago(correct? HK geeks :) --a lot more different craft brands started to get imported--as well the emerging of Local breweries at about the same time.
大概五年前,香港CRAFT BEER市场基本还是一湖平静,不过,最近两三年的发展明显快步起来,除了不同酿坊/品牌进口啤酒不断涌现,也出现不少香港本土酿坊。
应香港狂热啤迷朋友邀请,最近去走走看看,除了到专卖吧和瓶子店坐坐喝喝,也去其中两家酿坊看看聊聊,包括这期写的由墨西哥酿酒师LASZLO RAPHAEL 和妻子MICHELE WONG 联手打造的MOONZEN/门神酿坊。
But still--HK as a craft city does not really appeal(surely can't say that on FOOD choices:) --i mean--with limited bank balance--personally Bangkok would always be my choice of city to go comparatively--That changed recently--in large part due to the power of Craft Beer and Social Media---through both i met a few Geeks from Hong Kong--and when beer geek friends in HK suggested/invited for a trip out to meet up and share some beers--i finally went on a short trip recently--visited some craft places including bars/bottle shop/ and 2 of the local breweries...
Hence this week's column --a chit chat with Laszlo:-
Q: Home brewing and brewing as a business is obviously very different--or
is it pretty much the same despite the big commitment in terms of business
A: The main differences for us is
maintaining consistent high quality in all our batches. Making a tasty homebrew
beer is not difficult, making the same tasty beer over and over again and at a
much larger scale is more challenging.
Q: 玩自酿和开酿坊卖啤酒是很不同的事,还是说本质上是相同的?
Q: All those investment and big machine and at times business pressure
aside---what about fun factor? Is it still very much a fun thing to do brewing
commercially now that you have a market to look out for as compared to anything
goes when home brewing?
A: You've hit the right spot there too
between the different between home brewing and brewing as a business. There is
a market to look out for and that can be a big pressure and variable to
consider when releasing a new beer. There has to be a balance with saleability,
quality, profitability and yet continue to push the boundaries.
(Not to mention there are a bunch of
highly discerning beer geeks who will comment on your beers! :P)
AND yet, there is definitely still a
fun factor that comes from releasing new beers or collaborating with
like-minded individuals for cool craft projects. We are lucky in HK that the
market and beer geek circle is very encouraging and supportive of new beers
and experimentation, they help us to continue to improve.
A:现在的香港市场,再不能只是用一杯美式IPA就应付过去了,大家对不同风格/口味的啤酒更感兴趣。整体来说,市场需要更多的教育(什么是CRAFT BEER,怎么来的,跟普通大厂啤酒分别,为什么比较“贵”,为什么好喝,怎么良好储存,什么是适当的侍酒方式等等),也需要创造一个包含不同业者与饮客之间的良好生态环境,这会让香港的CRAFT永续经营而不是一阵风吹就过去了。
Q:对香港CRAFT 市场的期望/理想
Q: What are some of the more delicate issue of brewing in Hong Kong? (any
local issues or say getting supply of hops / malt / yeast & more….
A: Every raw material in HK needs to be
imported, so there is a challenge in keep costs down whilst ensuring freshness.
Q: The craft beer scene in Hong Kong is obviously moving forward in
comparison from when you first started—what do you think of the current market?
What’s good and what’s needing more improvement---generally speaking.
A: The current market is increasingly
interested in styles specific to the region, such as using local or unusual
ingredients, no longer can you get by just by brewing an American IPA. In terms
of improvement, we can continue educating on craft beer (what is craft beer,
how it's made, the difference between craft and commercial, why it costs
more, why it is so much better, and how to store and serve it). Basically
continue to build the craft beer ecosystem of
suppliers/drinkers/homebrewers/brewers/retailers -- this will help grow the
craft beer scene in HK sustainably and not just as another passing
Q: What would be some of your wishes/vision for HK craft beer scene
moving forward?
A: Having a HK beer style so unique and
special, that many breweries around the world adopt it and brew their own
Q: The branding and positioning of your brewery/beers does reflect the HK
elements --going forward --would it be more a case of adapting to local
palate/market needs or more of trying to go forth with beer style/taste
profile where consumers might need more time to adjust to/get familiar
A: I don't think both ways are mutually
exclusive. Our mission is to use our brewery/beers as a vehicle of not only
excellent craft beer but also celebrating HK and Chinese culture. This could be
in terms of adapting to local palate, or going forth with new beer styles which
are new to consumers. Take the Yama Sichuan Porter for example, it uses a local
Chinese ingredient, but the style is not one that consumers are familiar with
and not everybody likes.
Q: Getting balance between what majority drinkers demand (easy drinking--
usually also more saleable beers) and what Geeks seeking (bolder-more refined
-more experimental beers) can be quite a delicate issue --what's your view on
A: This is a continuous discussion
between Michele and I. Michele wears the sales hat, she considers what the
masses want. Myself as a brewer I want to brew more bold and experimental
beers. It can be delicate -- one thing we have learned with beer is that you
cannot, and should not, want to please everybody. We are lucky that we have a
pilot system of 100L that can brew more experimental beers, and our larger
brewery system of 1000L that we use to brew our Year Round Menu. So we try to
balance both.
Q: What might be some immediate plan
for your brewery/ brand of beers--say in the next 12-24 months?
A: We are on a journey to make unique and authentic craftbeer styles celebrating every province of China! Starting with Yama Sichuan Porter, Dragon King Fujian Radler . Our next destinations will be either, Yunnan, Hunan, or Tibet.
A: We are on a journey to make unique and authentic craftbeer styles celebrating every province of China! Starting with Yama Sichuan Porter, Dragon King Fujian Radler . Our next destinations will be either, Yunnan, Hunan, or Tibet.
Q: Any recent experiment brew in mind that you would love to try
A: Would like to make a limited IPA with
macerated pineapples in tequila, a Mexican twist from my own cultural
Q: Any collaboration brewers/ breweries in mind or already in the pipe
line ?
A: We are collaborating with Baird
Brewery (Japan), to brew a red adzuki bean ale, called Daikoku Daifuku. (大黒天大福) One of the seven lucky
gods (七福神) in Japan, Daikoku is the god of
five cereals and commerce. May he grant you prosperity and wealth!
Q: Some of your personal favourites style of beers to drink?
A: We love drinking lambics or
spontaneous fermentation beers , we think these are fascinating natural
occurrences that we would never be able to recreate in our brewery.
Q:对没喝过CRAFT BEER或刚接触新人的话?
Q: Tell us some of your personal favourites cities to drink craft
beer? Asia or out of Asia
A: We appreciate cultural heritage
whilst drinking, therefore drinking real ale from casks in pubs from Edinburgh
or Dublin is definitely a must!
Q: What would you say to a newbie or someone never had craft beer
before? (on why one should give craft beer a try)
A: Try craft beer for the experience,
the choices, the better ingredients, the honesty and the better company!