Tuesday, January 16, 2018


The most memorable list series concludes with a list from Liam Lee, a friend who writes about craft beer/mead during his spare time, iif you read Chinese, you could find his blog on FB as shown below.
For his 2017 list, Liam is talking more about experiences of having craft beer/mead at specific places rather than just focusing on the brew itself--which is a nice touch since craft community do connects through the common love of good brew/awesome brew as well people we meet along the craft journey.

The Chinese version and photos are all Liam's--the English version would be my interpretation--again--not word by word.


感謝 Ct tai 再次邀請又有機會總結一下上年最有印象/難忘關於精釀啤酒/蜂蜜酒的兩三事......剛過去一年, 在家中Taproom, 品飲派對或到外地喝酒, 也差不多超過500款了要詳細記起味道, 來甄選10款實在有難度! 所以使我最難忘的不是味道而是經歷且看看大家的口味是否相似? :P
with more than 500 beers/mead had last year--it's quite difficult to try to pick 10 favourites--this list is more about experiences rather than brew taste alone--let's  see if there's similarity? :)
1. OmnipolloFEST 2017
由計劃行程派對過程到啤酒陣容最難忘的首位當之無愧-- 少於兩星期前才決定這次北歐之旅, 首天遇到恐襲 ( beer geeks 卻一於少理), tap list 方面, 30間著名酒廠最頂級的 Hill Farmstead, Monkish, Other Half, Cycle Brewing, Trillium 等等,  已記不起味道怎樣只遺憾試不完數之不盡的酒款.....
An unforgettable trip to Stockholm for the fest---with all those delicious brew from names like Hillfarmstead, Monkish, Other Half, Cycle Brewing, Trillium and more---the only regrets being not able to try emm all. 
2. Bokkereyder "Druiven 2015"
北歐之旅的最後一天來到丹麥哥本哈根的 Koelschip-- 一間由Mikkeller開設, 號稱在比利時外坐擁最多Lambic收藏之地, Bokkereyder 則是Ratebeer 2016年最佳新酒廠第1全世界更只有4間店鋪有他們的瓶裝! 當晚開了 "Druiven 2015", 用了Dornfelder, Pinot Noir Regent葡萄釀製的水果 lambic, 紅葡萄氣息, brett氣味跟礦物感濃烈, 以印有其品牌的 Zalto酒杯盛載, 滿足感滿分! 還要感謝太太跟我走了差不多一小時的路程.... :D
Last day of the trip to Scandinavia, had this grapes influenced beauty from Bokkereyder at Koelschip after almost an hour walk(thanks to wife for accompanying)--taste red wine-ish, brett, with hints of minerals--totally satisfied.
3. Mikkeller Bangkok 4th visit
第四次到那裡, 卻首次跟兩位beer geeks 好友同行, 感覺就是不一樣除了大熱的 Superstition meadery "Peanut Butter Jelly Crime (PBJC)" on tap, 能試盡 30 taps中的 15, 16 , 10 餘款的蜂蜜酒不跟 beer geeks 一起似乎是 mission impossible ? 5th visit (27Jan2018) 又來了全為了他們的週年派對和探望好友 Dan Bark和他剛拿到米芝連一星的 "Upstairs Mikkeller"!!!
The 4th visit there--and first time going with 2 fellow geeks from HK--with 30 taps and quite a lot of Superstition meadery variants including PBJC in the house--glad to have company otherwise  cant possibly tried 15-16 from taps plus another 10 + mead variants.
5th Visit is on the way( 27th Jan)--for Mikkeller BKK's 4th anniversary party, as well visiting Chef Dan Bark and the recently Michelin star awarded Upstairs Mikkeller. 
4. Omnipollo X Buxton "Lemon Meringue Ice Cream Pie"
給初嚐精釀啤酒的朋友嚐嚐, 會覺得像汽水, 無甚特別, beer geeks自然知道釀製這平衡度高, 略帶啤酒花氣息的"檸檬特飲或檸檬雪葩 (sorbet)" 啤酒絕不是易事!!! 又是感謝太太的時間, 為我在八號風球當天買到同名的甜品"檸檬蛋白甜餅"作配對因酒的酸度比甜餅更高, 正好中和甜品的"膩口", 一次成功的 food pairing.
Newbies might find this to be very much like a soda, nothing special--but geeks would know its hard to create such balanced beer with hops/lemony flavours which taste almost like sorbet in a beer---time to thanks my wife for bringing home a lemon egg white sweet tart as pairing during a stormy day in HK--these two really went well as a pair.
5. Liefmans "Kriek (1985)"
品嚐"歷史"的一瓶經過20多年的洗禮連木塞都嚴重發霉酒是深棕色車厘子不見了換來醋酸菇類和皮革味道好喝與否都不重要了......感謝 Kenneth帶來這次經驗
A bottle with rotten cork--after 20 odd years--showing brownish color- cherries not to be found, tasty or not is no longer the point--thanks to fellow geek friend Kenneth for sharing.
6. Omnipollo X Evil Twin "Lemonade/ Pink lemonade IPA"
"Lemon Meringue Pie" 有異曲同工之妙,  "Lemonade IPA" 更在香港牽起熱潮, "Pink Lemonade IPA" 平衡度較佳, "Old Fashioned" 的果汁感覺更像 NE IPA, 均是不可思議的酒款...... Henok  Karl Grandin  label 也是吸引我的地方, haha, 期待他們的 "Half & Half Lemonade Ice Tea IPA"
Amazing brew from these guys--and attractive labeling too.
7. Tired Hands X Omnipollo "Tangerine Dream Milkshake IPA"
啤酒能夠拉近人與人之間的距離又一証明 (太誇張吧?!), 到美國費城出差, 跟初次見面的同事熟絡就是靠 IPA! , Milkshake IPA 系列今次加入柑橘, 橙汁般的外表, 水果的香甜正好中和輕微的啤酒花辛辣, 是我喝過最好的 NE IPA 三甲之一
sharing some beer is a good way of getting close to people--this trip to Philadelphia drinking with newly met colleagues has proven it--as for the brew the fruity flavours nicely balance out the stronger taste from hops---one of the top 3 NEIPAs i ever had so far.
8. Barrel aged Imperial stouts from Hong Kong local breweries
本地的酒廠發展得越來越好也開始推出更多複雜的酒款, Young Master Ales "黑無常 (Hak Mo Sheung)" 是曾經在 MBCC 2017現身, 波本酒桶陳釀的 imperial stout, 還有加入辣椒朱古力和紅桑莓版本; Moonzen Brewery "門寶䘵神 (Moonbo & Lukzen)" 則是跟 Against the Grain 合作加入波本酒桶木片, 以煙熏麥芽和四川花椒釀製質素均是讓香港人感自豪
The local breweries scene in HK is getting better--for examples the BA imperial stout by Young Master Ales--as well as Moonzen Brewery's collab brew with Against the grain--some brews which the locals can be proud of.
9. Superstition meadery "Berry White Day Asia"
從沒想過香港這蜂蜜酒剛起步之地, 會舉辦這mead geeks趨之若騖的活動也是他們首次在亞洲舉辦的地方, 能一口氣試勻2017版本 "Berry White Series"的機會絕無僅有味道還用多說? 4 "Berry White" 厲害之處在於味道濃郁分明, , 莓酸中和了蜂蜜酒的甜度, 加上白朱古力的香氣, 是意想不到的""!!  
It's quite unimaginable an event of this level would happen in HK, this is the only such event in Asia--with a rare chance to taste all 4 White Series at one go--the rich and distinctively different layering of tartness and honey sweetness, plus the beauty of added chocolate--just so perfectly in harmony.
10. New Glarus Brewing Co. "Strawberry Rhubarb"
翻開相簿, 看到201711日喝的就是 New Glarus  "Belgian Red" 車厘子啤酒無獨有偶, 2018年的第一枝是他們的 "Strawberry Rhuarb", 不像他們恆常款式極濃烈新鮮水果的味道大黃 (Rhubarb) 的蔬菜氣息甚強士多啤梨反而其次但酒體極幼滑是對他們的酒嶄新體驗!
While referring back to the beer photos--the beer had in 1st JAN 2017 was New Glarus "Belgian Red"---coincidentally JAN 1st 2018 the first beer also from the same brewery--this time is Strawberry Rhubarb--with the rhubarb showing stronger influences than strawberry--tone new experience added.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Taey is a geek from Bangkok--from his early days at Mikkeller Bangkok to being a brewer at a brew house, craft beer(and later on mead) has always been something he enjoys--here's his list for last year--done via Messenger chat as he is quite busy nowadays preparing for a new project(which of course has got to do with craft beer...)--he said it's a little hard to choose as he had short-listed 30, here's what happened as we chatted on and the list came on...
BFM (Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes): 400 Saison 20th Anniversary Special Edition I - Ale Brewed With Grapes
ABV: 6.0%
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Verdant Brewing Co.: PULP!
The second one
Decent dipa
And this one is BFM: Highway To Helles Velvet Underground Edition
The best pale ale of 2017
And best NE IPA for me last year is Cocohut from Greencheek Beer Co.
Best imp stout came with the most fanciest glassware
Goose Island Beer Co.
Bourbon County Brand Stout Backyard Rye (2013) 12.7%
The Trilogy MMXVII - HOPS
By Northern Monk x Deya
7.4% Rye IPA
Bottle Logic Brewing: Foundamental Observation (2017
Brasserie Trois Dames
Brett IPA
Sour - Farmhouse IPA
Brewlander & Co. (Singapore) - Love (Wild IPA) - 6.5% - IPA 
Ok, This one was beyond expectation
- Taiwan Ale Brewery
- Lambic Style Sour Mango
- 4.0%
- LIt's "Lambic - Traditional" according to Untappd  
New Glarus Brewing Co.
- Serendipity
- 4.0%
- Fruit Beer
- Persiko Feber IPA
- 6.5%
- IPA 
And the last one will be the shame that I had it first time on 2017 since I missed a chance to try when it launch in Thailand long time agoes.. and that beer is.......
Lagunitas: Sucks
This one is so balance and classic. Love it
Oh another one will be the last
Damn it.. another 2
That was all

Monday, January 8, 2018


Into the second week of 2018, looking back, there's obviously the big miss of not able to make it out there in Copenhagen for MBCC beer week--though there's a consolation of sort of having attended Asia's first ever mead+casual fine dining pairing dinner at Upstairs@Mikkeller Bangkok.
Here's my list of memorable ones--as well added a few not mentioned in the newspaper column( partly due to limited space a page can accommodate)--in no particular order*
一年刚过,身为啤迷,最大憾事莫过于没能参与去年哥本哈根啤酒庆典,值得安慰是有幸去曼谷参与美国顶级蜜酒作坊SUPERSTITION MEADERY在最近拿到米其林一星的“米吧”楼上餐厅(UPSTAIRS AT MIKKELLER BANGKOK)亚洲唯一一场蜜酒美食配搭晚宴。虽说少了一次哥本哈根啤酒周的洗礼,回望去年喝过的不同类别啤酒蜜酒中,仍有好些精彩酿品值得一提。(排名不分先后)
B.Nektar--- Mutant Zombie Killer
Had this in a sharing session here in KL--it was instantly attention grabbing--and then some sort of F words followed--not because it was bad--but Dangerously drinkable/delicious---it never felt like a high abv brew--more like a very easy drinking fruits influenced session mead/cider sort--what an amazing accidental brew.
Homage--- Chat Flou
Not heard of this US brewery before tasting it in an after party at Mikkeller Bangkok- right after the mead pairing dinner-was totally surprised by the finesse displayed first through the nose--think rotten peach( in a nice way)--then the layering of body/taste--thanks to JJ for sharing this beauty.( and duck duck gooze)
Cloud Water + The Veil -- Chubbles
& Other Half ---All Citra Everything
No doubt NEIPA was the buzz word last year( and still is)--for the uninitiated--what NEIPA do is to make the usually more bitter/harder style of IPA into something more juicy/fruity--in some cases much softer than the hops attack focus "traditional ipas"( which is a misconception as there's also some very balance and easy drinking IPAs)
As with any beer styles, there's different approach/school of thoughts applied by different brewers--and it's natural that not all NEIPAs willl be tasty or to one's liking--some NEIPA can taste overly sweet or cloying to some.
With fresh/finer NEIPAs harder to source in ASIA--these two were the standouts among some in vouge/in demand US/UK brews tasted last year.
New England IPA, 近期最热门IPA新形态,简单说就是口感酒体类似果汁的印度淡啤, 跟口感比较苦涩传统IPA 最大分别是酿品做出类似果汁口感,为IPA 带出另一种层次。由于是类果汁,一些酿品喝起来比较像是喝着果汁或浓缩果汁多过像印度淡陴,有些感觉过甜或腻口,个人来说,不是很爱。
个人喜好之外,酿品水准高低当然有很大影响,今年喝过酿品中,英美高手合酿的Chubbles和来自纽约酿坊的All Citra Everything均衡可口,感觉对味。
The Lost Abby  --Duck Duck Gooze
A bottle brought in to Bangkok from the states by JJ for a sharing session---long heard of this hard to come by bottle--the biggest impression after pouring was the nose of the brew--it was wonderful--but the beer did not taste as awesome as the nose--it did not bring about the usual Gueze feelings--tasted quite subtle--almost underwhelming for a big name bottle but still one to remember.
#side note
in the newspaper column--somehow i made the the mistake of referring this tribute to Gueze brew as Gose( yeah i know--what a careless fxxked up)
Mikkeller--- Sontan Cherry
Truth be told--there was no expectations whatsoever with this one during a share in KL--but it kinda wow everyone sipping it--it's really well made--full of cherries goodness yet not overpowering--for a little while you could even mistaken it as a wine-beer.
Alesmith  --Speedway Thai
Thanks to John for bringing this one back from Bangkok and shared with the guys here--speedway stout is no doubt one of the benchmark stouts out there--this Thai tribute version uses some Thai ingredients--and it was really to the point--the brew though still essentially a speedway stout--but it showcase the Thai ingredients in a nice way--it's likely not the most complex or best variants of speedway stouts out there--but if you like Thai food--this one will remind you of some Thai flavours.
朋友从曼谷米吧带回来分享的瓶子,Speedway stout 是这家美国加州酿坊代表作,原版之外有非常多变奏版,这是使用几种具有泰国特色食材加入酿造,除了保持黑啤应有醇香,也体现了泰国食材带来的特色。
Yorocco-- BA Saison(Unlended version)
The consensus among some of us geeks is that Japanese brew is mostly very drinkable but somehow too polite/mellow--seems lacking some edges that would make one to sit up and notice.
Well--what a surprise this brew turn out to be--shared this in Tokyo with a newly acquainted geek from the states--after 2 sips--both of us were like "damn--this beer is something"--it's not a in your face kind of beer--on the contrary--it's basically still is a subtle brew--but i guess the magic with wine oak barrel aging did the trick-- it was full of oak goodness--almost felt like sipping a fine white wine beer--easy drinking on another level --full of nuances.
Superstition mead pairing dinner at Upstairs Mikkeller Bangkok
the founders/owners of Supersition Meadery---Jeff and Jen and their 2 sons were in Bangkok early last year during a family trip to Asia--the pairing dinner was the only event held--with the awesome White Series plus 7 other variants of their mead/cider --it was something i could not miss---Chef Dan tweak a little on the menu to better suit  the mead/cider theme--it was an amazing pairing/dining experience especially what Chef Dan did with the desserts to pair with Peanut Butter Jelly Crime--as well as the finale 4 variants of White Series. 
配合SUPERSTITION酿坊创始人JEFFJEN还有孩子们在泰国度假,去年初曼谷米吧楼上餐厅举行了亚洲唯一一场美食配搭蜜酒晚宴。对不太了解这家餐厅的,这是亚洲唯一坚持美食配搭啤酒或蜜酒的米其林一星餐厅,这里没有葡萄酒供应,包括甜点在内的10道美食只配搭啤酒或蜜酒。当晚菜单是主厨DAN BARK根据11款不同类型蜜酒调整而设,特别是配合PEANUT BUTTER JELLY CRIME和压轴4WHITE SERIES的甜点设计更是突出,是新颖有趣的美味用餐经验

Black Tuesday is always welcome
obviously we don't get any supply of this monster brew in Asia--not by any means--the only way is to seek your own way--thanks to Toga who secured this beauty from the states and shared this in KL
first ever Saison Dupont fresh on tap in KL
Manu is a friend who imports some nice Belgium beers to KL--this one though was the very first time we have seen it on tap--thanks to this guy--we had the pleasure of not only drinking it fresh on tap but also during a private invite to his home bar...:)
在本地友人MANU的私家酒吧喝到的,这是KL第一次有上了啤酒泵的SAISON DUPONT, 在KL搞酒类进口很不容易,多的他们的持续坚持。 
Lambic( and nice sours) here is heaven sent
getting any Lambic this part of the world is hard--with very little official distributions in ASIA for lambic ( as well very little to none distro for some American sours)--so anything above average that pops up this part of the world is welcome with open arms really--here's some shared ones last year.