Tuesday, March 23, 2021

WEEK 187---2020 Most Memorable Beer List---from Kenneth ( HK )



The list of memorable ones from last year continues--this time with a list from my Hong Kong geek friend Kenneth---who took the time to write his piece in both English as well as Chinese---hence leaving me with the minor task of very minor editing and mainly copy & paste ☺

here's full text by Kenneth:-

“It is the best of times, it is the worst of times…” During the pandemic period, it is definitely difficult for many of us. With the closure of pubs, bars, breweries and the postponement /cancellation of beer events, the usual beer communities have evolved into new ways of life.

In 2021, life for many of us are still facing challenges and struggles, but the show must go on…looking back to 2020, though it was tough, there was still a lot that could be highlighted.

1) The love must go on…
Beer industry is built by love. Other Half brewery from New York had pushed a global campaign “All together” by providing two simple WCIPA/NEIPA recipes, beer label designs etc that allowed all breweries around the world to join. In Hong Kong, Moonzen Brewery had also joined this delightful campaign.
啤酒業是靠著愛互相支持。來自紐約的Other Half啤酒廠通過提供兩種簡單的WCIPA / NEIPA啤你配方、啤酒標籤設計等,推動了全球啤酒運動 “All Together”,世界各地的所有精釀啤酒廠都可以參加。在香港,門神啤酒廠也參加了這個活動。

2) Beer sharing must go on…
Though a lot of cities had been locked down and beer geeks were parted by social distancing, beer sharing had kept going, setup online by Zoom, Google Meet etc, or usual sharing with more safety precautions.
儘管許多國家封城,啤酒愛好者因疫情影響了社交距離,但一起品嘗啤酒這些社交活動仍在繼續:通過ZoomGoogle Meet等在網上共享,或做足安全預防措施,進行常規啤酒品嘗。

3) Hyped trains must go on...
Together with some beer geeks, we had a chance to taste some of the most “hyped” Imperial stout ever: Toppling Goliath Morning Delight, Assassin, and KBBS!
Are they worth the hype and money? Beer Sharing with beer geeks friends in the tough time is priceless....
Besides, when beer consumption is not allowed on-site in bars, pubs and no travel is allowed, we are glad that able to purchase some precious bottles/cans online: Russian Rivers, Side Projects, Trilliums from US had adapted to a new purchase model where customers can order online and pick up onsite; while Mills, Antidoot and Bokke from Europe were sold online and shipped locally/internationally.
2020年有機會跟一班啤酒愛好者,品嚐了三款世上最熱炒的 Imperial StoutToppling GoliathGoliath Morning DelightAssassinKBBS
此外,當不允許在酒吧現場喝酒,並且不允許旅行的時候,我們很高興能夠從網上購買一些熱炒酒款:美國的 Russian RiversSide ProjectsTrilliums酒廠等都適應了新的購買模式,客戶可以在線訂購併在酒廠取貨;歐洲的MillsAntidootBokke也偶然在網上發售,並運送到世界各地。

4)  “Drink local” must go on…
During the tough time, it is important to support our local communities. Hong Kong local breweries like Carbon, Heroes, Yardley Brothers had kept improving and making good beers.
在這疫情時期,我們需要不斷支持本地社區。 香港本地酒廠.

5) Good Beers must go on...
No matter how good or bad the situation it is, grab a good beer, enjoy yourself or share with you beer friends, enjoy and always stay positive, cheers everyone!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

WEEK 186---2020 Most Memorable Beer & Mead List---from Liam (HK)

2021 already into March---still not too late to look back at some nice beers & mead listed as most memorable by some geek friends living in Asia. This is a list by Liam from Hong Kong--as usual--Chinese version written by the man himself while i do a bit of English transcript:-

4年獲馬來西亞好友 Ct Tai @Craftbeer Art 邀請, 記錄在疫情下對啤酒/ 蜂蜜酒最深刻的的幾件事, 今年限聚令著實使酒聚減少但疫情卻讓不少珍貴酒款網上銷售真不知是禍是福? 無論如何喝到一些特別酒款心情也會高興點

in a year with covid restriction--beer sharing session been harder to come by but the pandemic scenario prompted some breweries/ bars to list some "rarer" beers for sale--under the situation to be able to sip on some "usually hard to get' ones does make you feel happy/happier....

1. Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. "KBBS", "Assassin" and "Mornin' Delight"
終於有機會一嚐精釀界炒價最瘋狂的幾款 imperial stout, 雖則 "Mornin' Delight" 相對便宜, 但強勁的咖啡和楓葉糖漿, 香氣, 甜度和酒體都是剛好, 不會過膩, 一人可幹掉一瓶的平衡度;  "Assassin"雖則每年也要經抽韱才買得到, 沒有驚人的感覺, 也是能輕鬆地完成一瓶的水準; 終於 "打大佬",  今次喝的是 2018年版本 "KBBS" , 咖啡和威士忌桶陳釀 , 是好喝imperial stout 的不二法門, 但對得起這價錢嗎? 會否比一般上佳的stout 好喝1020?都是那一句, 錢是來支付喝這些酒的 "經驗", haha.
Finally have the chance to sample some of the most crazily priced stouts (secondary "fried" pricing)--the "cheaper" Mornin' Delight with coffee/maple syrup--from aroma to sweetness to body was well balance--can down the whole bottle by yourself.
Assassin--need to go through lottery to decide if eligible to buy from first release--nothing awe-inspiring--a stouts which one can down easily by oneself.
Then came that BIG ONE---KBBS--coffee/ whisky barrel--almost a sure fire way to make good imperial stouts--the BIG QUESTION though is this super hyped stouts worth those crazy "fried" prices? is this beer 10x or 20x more awesome than a very good but non hyped stouts?
Liam's verdict?---money is the tool to buy experience( haha)

2.  Antidoot - Wilde Fermenten Hype
任何酒類嚐多了, 自然想找些罕有限量的去試試, 近這1, 2年來, Antidoot 在精釀界 (甚至葡萄酒界) 都掀起熱潮, 產量極少, 以會員制出售 , 傳統的自發性發酵 coolship (少得像家中飯桌.... ) 釀製啤酒, 蘋果酒 和葡萄酒嚐過不同的酸啤酒, 老實說, 有點失望水果味道很強, 但沒有lambic的複雜度, 反而蘋果酒 "Cydonia", 用了蘋果的近親榲桲 (Quince), 淡淡然發酵蘋果, 平衡度極佳總括來說, 幾款都是舒服, 但不會有"爆發"的感覺有幸試過便夠了.
It's natural for geeks to want to look out for some "rarer'/"hyped" bottles --Antidoot is one such new brewery which not only was raved about in craft beer scene but wine scene too( with their natural wine brewing as well beer wine hybrid)---a tiny brewery known for wild fermentation beer, cider, beer wine hybrid and so on---limited production meaning the only way to consistently getting Antidoot brew is by somehow becoming a member(random pick so no sure way for geeks)---having tasted some especially the wild fermented ones--Liam felt disappointed as there was no Lambic complexity---but was impressed with cider --especially Cydonia which uses Quince--very well balance--Overall the brews were very drinkable. comforting but not the "exploding" types---good to have sampled some.

3. Smoothie-style hype
2年來此酒款可說是顛覆大家對啤酒印象味道大部分由果蓉 (puree) 主導甚麼麥芽啤酒花通通被遮掉充滿糖分的果蓉也同時掀起 "爆罐"熱潮像一次 450 North Brewing 酒聚差不多一半也有過多CO2, 一罐變了一Jar 的份量,老實說此酒款的複雜度低只嚐到水果味道但還是不斷喝......有誰會討厭有氣果汁?
A new trend where adjunct especially "puree' is the main player in a beer--making a beer look and taste very "not beer"---but seems too much puree/sugar also causing scene of exploding cans---there was a sharing session of mainly/mostly 450 North Brewing cans--where at least half of the cans with too much CO2--turning a can into a JUG!!   Honestly this type of beer is lacking in complexity--it's basically carbonated fruit juices--but still keep drinking somehow--who would hate bubbling fruit juices?


自從 2015年左右嚐過第一口 NE IPA (應該是 Heady Topper), 到今天已把它和 lambic 視作最愛酒款甚麼 session, double, triple, quadruple, (今年嚐過5quintuple....), 每年也喝不少今年最深印象有俄羅斯酒廠 Wild Lab  "Citra Citra Citra" double IPA, 啤酒花和ester 產生的爆炸般果汁感有適中甜度厚滑酒體, 低苦澀度平衡正中我的評分準則來自波蘭的 Funky Fluid 無酒精 (abv <0.5%)  "Point Five" 更不得了大部分geek都不愛無酒精啤酒味道微弱酒體單薄.....NE IPA 應有的東西都在此酒俱備太不可思議還有之後說的 "PB&J", 此新酒廠已成為我常購入的選擇.
Since the days of Heady Topper back in 2015--neipa has become the most preferred beer style along side Lambic for Liam---this year the most memorable one was "Citra Citra Citra" from Wild Lab( Russian brewery)--with explosive burst of fruit juice sensation, moderate sweetness, thick body low bitterness--very balance--totally to Liam's liking.
Another one was an almost no alcohol brew " Point Five" from Polish brewery Funky Fluid--while no alcohol brew can be very thin and no taste--this one amazingly has got all the neipa's characteristics!! ( along with another one mentioned below--this brewery has become Liam's fav regular picking)

5. Local breweries: Carbon Brews "All Funked Up" and Heroes Beer Co. "Kupzzy"

本地精釀依舊多產兼高水準, 各酒廠釀製酒款愈見多元化, "All Funked Up" 讓我想起 Mikkeller Baghaven "Polly", 番石榴的味道"相當"特出, brett 和菠羅明顯, 紅桑莓卻不太察覺, 甜度低但未至於"bone dry", 沒有苦澀, 帶點小麥的餘韻, 9.5%酒精隱藏極好, 雖然被歸類為 IPA. 但更像加入水果的 sour ale! 喝後絕對有滿足的感覺; "Kupzzy" 則是跟 Carbon Brews "XX Rich Lupulin" 一樣, 另一能與外地各知名酒廠相比! 啤酒花新鮮度, 酵母而來的果汁感esters十足, 酒體和甜度也正好用作平衡, 輕易地進駐本地 NE IPA 三甲.
Local breweries in HK been brewing up some high quality varieties---one such is "All Funked Up' by Carbon Brew--though labelled as ipa but tasting much more closer to a well made sour ale which reminds Liam of Mikeller Baghaven "Polly"--with guava, brett, pineapple, light malty taste and well hidden 9.5% abv.
Another is "Kupzzy"--along side Carbon Brew's "xx rich lupulin"---is another NEIPA which is well made and can stand head and shoulder along side those more famous overseas brews--the goodness from fresh hops, thick body and balance sweetness easily make this TOP 3 local neipa.

6.  Brasserie Auval Brewing co. online sale
這酒廠被稱為加拿大的 Hill Farmstead Brewery,  曾經被譽為最難買得到之一, 多倫多的朋友們也沒有見過,官方也說要買的話, 一就是到酒廠, 二就是留意FB 報料羣組隨機出現....... 疫情下竟出現在德國的 online shop! 目前為止只試了 "Espinay", 典型微酸saison的特質俱在, 那標誌的檸檬氣息更是特出, 果然名不虛傳!
Seen by some as the hillfamrstead of Canada--this highly regarded brewery is also known for very limited availability of bottles for sale( even Liam's friends in Toronto never seen any)---was totally insane to see the bottles available for sale on a German bar's online sale!
So far only tasted "Espinay"--lemony with typical light sourish saison character--the hype is real!

7. Not so sweet pastry stouts....  S43 Brewery "You're Not You When You're Thirsty" & 3 Sons Brewing Co. "Baby Scoop"

可能真的老了 (.....), 對甜度甚高的 pastry stout已達抗拒或只嚐一少口的地步當然也有例外...... "Snickers" 液態版本的"You're Not You When You're Thirsty", 啤酒甜度不高, 滿口朱古力, 花生醬氣息, 配以""snickers 出奇地匹配新興 stout 皇者 3 Sons Brewing Co.  "Baby Scoop" 是他們少見的正常 stout 版本同樣是甜度低清楚嚐到Neapolitan 三色雪糕的味道配以適中的氣泡感輕鬆完成.
Probably age is catching up....when it comes to those sweet pastry stouts--Liam would either reject or just take very tiny sips---though there are exception at times--like this liquid version snickers--"You're Not You When You're Thirsty"--not sweet, full of chocolate and peanut butter--goes absolutely amazing with a Real Snicker too.
Baby Scoop is a non-pastry style stout from 3sons brewing which is nice--low sweetness--clear taste of Neapolitan ice cream with moderate carbonation--easily completed.

8. Most surprising beer 2020 Funky Fluid "Gelato Pastry Sour PB&J"

加入花生醬的酒不少但大都是甜度高的 imperial stout甚或 mead,  "PB&J (peanut butter & jelly) 在啤酒又如何解讀? 誰不知那花生濃烈味道正好跟紅桑莓和黑加侖子配搭, 酒體夠厚, 甜度較低也有水果酸度平衡, 顏色也討人喜歡, 感嘆這新酒廠的意念和技術, 像極"PB&J"的液態甜品忍不住喝了3遍了!!
Having tasted/seen peanut butter jelly in a mead or say imperial stouts---how would this one go? totally surprised by the matching level of PB&J with raspberry and black currants--thick body, low sweetness with fruity tartness and lovely colors---so impressed with the skills and concept of this one---Liam actually had 3 of these PB&J liquid dessert!!

9. Mead

今年雖買過不少蜂蜜酒但喝的機會卻不多但試過的都是佳品, Schramm's Mead 這老大哥都是上品, "Heritage" 雖用了名為 Heritage 的紅桑莓但老實說不太喝得出分別但水果濃烈氣息和酸度正好平衡mead 的甜膩初嚐 Copenhagen Mead Company , 相當顯著的杏仁味道讓很普遍的車厘子蜂蜜酒變得不平凡終於也嚐到又是會員才買到的 Pips Meadery, 試了 "A Man & His Mjød", 加入肉桂和波本桶陳釀滿以為相當重口味誰不知各樣味道恰到好處怪不得讓人追捧!
Bought some mead last year but did not have the appropriate opportunities to taste that many---of the few tasted--the fruit tartness nicely balance out Schramm's  Mead Heritage sweet factor.  While the use of apricot makes Copenhagen Mead Company's cherry mead  very interesting/
And finally got to sample the very hard to come by Pip's Meadery's  "A Man & His Mjød"--with cinnamon and bourbon barrel--Liam thought it could be tasting "heavy"--but all things was so balance and just nice----the HYPE IS VERY REAL.

寫後才發覺今年沒有 lambic 的份兒其實今年喝lambic也很頻密但始終和上年的lambic之旅不能比擬最後多謝 Ct 的邀請也希望大家快點能再次啤酒旅行!
After finishing the list only realized there is no mention of  Lambic though had quite many last year but really no comparison to the lambic tour in 2019. Lastly thanks to ct for again inviting for list and hopefully all of us can go beer travelling sooner.