This post is slightly more "complicated" than the usual post--there's the "ORIGINAL" chit chat version in English with Carl--then there's a Translated version sent together with the "Ori" from Beijing--and then there's obviously the Chinese newspaper version written by me for the bi-weekly column.
I have decided to post all "3" version--especially the Translated Mandarin version from Beijing--there's obvious differences in choice of words--as well as style of writing/speaking even though it's essentially the same language--mainland China and those outside.
Let's starts with the NEWSPAPER COLUMN version--please SCROLL DOWN for ENGLISH ORIGINAL chat version( including Beijing Chinese translated version)
对话—北京大跃酿坊CARL SETZER
近年Craft Beer在中国逐步受到较多注意,有需求就有供应情况下,不少人都投入到“精酿啤酒”这一块,无论是想方设法引入“水货”的,又或是开酿坊/酿吧的都有,市场摸索前进中。
不同地方在推进Craft Beer文化发展时都面对不同问题,中国“精酿”圈内发生着什么样的变化?“顽啤主张”跟已在亚洲生活超过十年的北京大跃酿坊(Great Leap)主创酿酒师CARL SETZER聊聊( 国内说法,是个娶了中国媳妇的美国老外-酿坊名称来自媳妇爷爷建议,引用宋朝诗人陈舜俞“骑牛歌”其中一句《乘肥大跃须年少》)
CARL:“我还记得,大跃刚开始时有很多质疑声音,说中国人只会喝进口或本土大厂啤酒,六年后的现在,国内啤酒口味选择发生了根本性变化,说中国人不会欣赏IPA的“预言者”根本就不知道自己在说什么。CRAFT 的发展基本在快步中,北京来说,跟之前比较至少多了15家新酿坊,其他地区也有新酿坊/酿吧出现着。”
“在中国,目前CRAFT 可以合法出现的方式有三,第一是有酿酒设备的酿吧,第二是吉普赛式,让有设备的酿坊代为酿制,第三是通过现有法定的灰色地带生产的“鲜啤”。现有制度对精酿发展还有所欠缺情况下,相信不用太久中国精酿市场将迎来正式牌照时代,新法制会带来新问题新机会,会是让人振奋的时机。”
CARL:“喝CRAFT BEER基本就是在喝酿酒师和几位团队成员想为饮客酿造快乐所付出的心血,支持好啤酒,同时也要求质素变得更好。”
HERE's the ORIGINAL TEXT from the chit chat:-
Q) Briefly—why
China?—and “DA YAO” kind of sound very “old China”—how did the name came about?
A story perhaps?
I moved to
Asia right out of college and have spent the last twelve years living in China
and Taiwan. My wife is from Qufu, Shandong Province and we have a five year old
son. We also take care of her paternal grandparents as her father passed away
when she was our son’s age. The name “Da
Yue/Yao” (大跃) comes from an old Song Dynasty poem.
Although the poem has many lines, the line that references “Da Yue” is “cheng fei da yue xu nian shao (乘肥大跃须年少),” or in English, “Make sure to grasp the opportunity
to take a great leap when you are young.” It’s true meaning is that if you want
to take a big risk in your life, be sure to take that risk when you are young
and “fat,” so that if you fail you can bounce back up off the ground and get
going again. I used to have what others defined as a ‘successful’ career in the
IT security industry, and my wife also had a successful career in mining
compliance products, so when we decided to quit our salaried positions to open
a craft brewery in a small courtyard in Beijing, China, my wife’s grandfather
stated, “Fine, but if you’re going to do this, you have to call it 大跃.” There is
reason why his opinion holds more weight in my life than most other living
beings, but that is a story for another time.
Q) 12 years
in China---in what way or how much has China factors influenced your beer
philosophy? Or was it the other way round?
Time flies.
Especially when half of that has been spent getting the good people of Beijing
buzzed. Six years ago, when we decided to walk away from our previous careers,
it wasn’t to open a bar, or copy something from back home, recreating American
or any other international style of craft beer in China just seemed like a
waste of an opportunity. Rather, we saw the chance to create a distinctly
Chinese craft beer and brewery that uses and honors Chinese culinary and
historical traditions as a way to show China as it should be seen, a true
originator and historic home to consumer culture. Many of our beers use Chinese
ingredients (from hops to additives, like tea, Sichuan peppercorn, spices and
adjunct sugars) and the names of our beers, in Chinese as well as English,
often reflect these same Chinese culinary and historical traditions. For
example, one of our signature beers, “Honey Ma Gold,” uses the Sichuan
Peppercorn in its production, a staple of Chinese cuisine, and honey that used
to come from Shandong Province. Its Chinese name is “甫子 fuzi.” The character - 甫 – is a reference to one of China’s most famous poet’s from
the Tang Dynasty who was living in Sichuan province, whose name was 杜甫 dufu. And the
character – 子 – is a reference to a man very
famous in the West, Confucius, whose Chinese name is 孔子 kongzi and was born in Qufu, Shandong
Province. Same birthplace in fact as Liu Fang’s grandfather. It doesn’t get
much more culturally relevant to Chinese history than Qufu. One of the many
reasons why Liu Fang’s grandfather, Liu Shao Zeng, is the shit.
But when it comes to how China has
influenced the beers themselves, that is something of which we are extremely
proud. When Great Leap started in 2010 there weren’t only no other craft
breweries in Beijing or even Northeast China, the other breweries that did
exist else where laughed at us when we dedicated ourselves to the use of local
ingredients. I was told repeatedly that the Qingdao Flower Hop (QDDH:青岛大花) wasn’t worth using in craft beer
and that the Chinese palate would never want anything other than imported
products or local commercial beers. I remember thinking to myself how pathetic
that sounded. These weren’t foreigners hating on China, these were Chinese “experts”
with no faith in their own people. Now its hard not to find someone on the “support
local” bandwagon. The bigger the industry gets, the more honored we are to have
inspired people, whether directly or indirectly, to make something China can
Q) Tell us
how was the scene back then?
There really
was no scene back then. Paulaner has had a brauhaus in the Kempinksi Hotel
since the early 90s, a few imported beers had made their way into the market,
Boxing Cat Brewery had opened in 2008 in Shanghai, and Gao Yan had not yet
really found his inner Master yet in Nanjing, but otherwise there was little to
no craft beer scene when we first opened in October, 2010. To the point where
even the vocabulary for what we needed to start was not fully developed. Beer
kegs were called 啤酒小罐 instead of
啤酒桶, fluted American style beer glasses
were unheard of at local bars, hops came in two different styles, 苦味 and 香味, and malting companies wouldn’t sell you base malt in
quantities less than 100 tons. Its easy to look at Beijing now and think that
craft beer had always been here, but in reality, we created a lot of the demand
that allowed for the market to truly flourish. Statements like that usually
piss people off, but the only people that get mad are the one’s that don’t know
how hard it used to be.
其实也没有什么幕后故事。普拉那啤酒从90年代初就进驻了凯宾斯基酒店,一些进口品牌的啤酒也用自己的途径打入市场,拳击猫2008年就在上海开业了,当时高岩的“高大师”还没有完全打造出来。在2010年,精酿啤酒市场在北京几乎是一片空白,就连行业的专业词汇体系都没有。啤酒桶不叫啤酒桶而叫“啤酒小罐”;没有人见过高脚杯样的美式啤酒杯;啤酒花只分为两类叫法:苦花和香花;麦芽公司的最低起订量竟然要100吨。现在你看北京的市场,你会以为在这里精酿啤酒一直都很盛行,但是事实上,正是我们从那个时候开始几乎从零开始为这个行业打基础, 开拓行业相关的供应链,培育市场等。这么说也许会惹怒一些人,但是很多人根本不知道当时起步时的艰难。
Q) Any major
shift of taste preferences in beer styles during those 6 years?—what changes
you have noticed both in terms of supply chain and customers preferences…
In the last
six years tastes have changed dramatically. Local Chinese beer is generally
very light in flavor, and early imports tended to be of the German variety
that, although delicious, are limited in flavor profiles by the German Purity
Law enacted 500 years ago. Now people are being introduced to new flavors, from
hoppy IPA’s to full bodied, malt-balanced dark ales, and even sour ales. Our
Banana Wheat and Honey Ma Gold are still our highest sellers, but other beers
such as our Little General IPA and East City Porter have a very strong following
amongst our drinkers. The tastes overall in China have no limitations. Nothing
pisses me off more than when some self defeating dip shit says that Chinese
people will never embrace IPAs, there is nothing worse than when you
underestimate your own people. Its almost as stupid as when you read old
assessments of the potentials for American drinkers as it relates to their
ability to understand and appreciate Continental European style beers, northern
European sour beers, and British style ales. Its ignorance to underestimate
your consumer. I refuse to do it. Chinese consumers have some of the most
complex palates when it comes to dining and consumption of local cuisines. I
fully expect China to be not only a world leader in the production of craft
beer, but also the home to some of the most educated and informed drinkers.
这六年可以说在口味上发生了天翻地覆的变化。中国的本土啤酒在口味上都非常清淡,早期的进口啤酒则统统向德式啤酒靠拢,尽管好喝,但是也均受制于500年前的德国纯净法案,所以在口味多样性上有很大的瓶颈。现在好了,人们见识到越来越多的新口味啤酒,有啤酒花香浓郁的IPA,有酒体饱满、麦芽平衡的深色艾尔,甚至有酸味艾尔。大跃的香蕉小麦和甫子啤酒一直是我们的销售冠军,但是其他的酒比如少帅IPA和燕麦墨啤也都有着大量的忠实拥趸。中国 人在口味这个问题是是没有限制的。曾经有人跟我说中国人绝对不会接受什么IPA,那个时候我非常的生气。还有什么是比低估自己的同胞更愚蠢的行为。这种感觉就好像曾几何时的美国,出来一种评审标准给喝酒人士用来评判他们的能力高低,怎么判别呢?就是看他们能不能搞明白欧洲大陆啤酒、北欧酸啤酒,以及英式艾尔。低估你的顾客,这简直蠢到家了。我一直认为中国顾客在品评本土菜肴的时候能够展现出最强大的味蕾,就凭这一点,我可以预言中国不仅有成为世界一流精酿啤酒产地的能力,同时还将诞生出最具水平和认知能力的精酿饮家们。
Q) Give us
an outline of how’s the craft beer scene been in China lately—say the last 5
We started
in October of 2010, so it is almost 6 years since we first opened. Since then,
in Beijing alone, we have seen almost 15 other craft breweries open up of
varying sizes and production level. This does not include the craft breweries
of other places of China, either. Yes, things are moving a bit faster here.
Like Taiwan and Japan, China is an emerging market in the world economy. This
means that a lot of people are moving here, coming to visit, coming to study
abroad, etc. Because of this, new trends and styles will be quick to both
emerge and permeate. Remember, there are 1.4 billion people in China versus the
roughly 300 million Americans. Not to mention a refreshing vacuum of religious
prohibition to the consumption of alcohol. Every time I walk outside with a
beer in my hand in America I’m reminded how arcane and irrational our drinking
laws are there. China has none of the preconception of what it means to drink
and consume alcohol socially.
Currently in
China, there are only three legal ways to grow a craft beer brand. The first is
the brewpub model that allows for the installation of equipment on site inside
of a commercial retail space, and gives the proprietor the ability to brew
beer, grain to glass, inside their own establishment for the consumption of
their consumers. There are different interpretations of this model, like the
Boxing Cat Brewery model where they brew offsite and onsite and then bring it
in on a linear distribution model to their own restaurants and bars, and then
there is the Great Leap model where the equipment is located inside multiple
locations and then cross distributed to the other locations. No matter what model
you subscribe to, as long as the means of production and the end points are all
owned by the same company, China is happy.
The second
model is a contract brewing model, in which the beer is brewed by a larger,
third party brewery on contract and is distributed under their license. This
model has some flaws, both growth wise and in terms of quality control, but is
employed by brands like Master Gao's, Panda Brew and Slow Boat Brewery. What
you give up in terms of guarantees on the quality of the product, you make up
for in the ability to distribute to the greater market without the threat of
legal liabilities.
The third
model is what is known as a fresh beer draft exception under the commercial
brewery regulation. This allows for the sale of draft beer that is
unpasteurized. Its what I would describe as a loophole that was created to
allow for commercial beer to be distributed easier in the local regions. It is
a temporary fix to a long term need for new licensing and regulatory
98% of all
legal craft beer in China falls under one of these three models. So you can see
that because of this current situation of bifurcated legal pathways to
distribution and brand growth, some craft beer in China is good, some is great,
and some is not so great. But you can also see the spirit of determination that
has grown in China over the last five years. We are getting very close to a new
era in craft beer licensure that will usher in with it a new generation of
problems, and growth. Truly an exciting time in our short history.
Q) The last
few years—China has seen some sort of boom in terms of various people getting involved
with all kinds of imports—grey imports for that matter---how has that affected
the scene?
This is a
loaded question. I think you knew that when you typed it out. So I’ll be brief.
Grey market importers are assholes and shouldn’t be supported. Overpriced,
expired or unlicensed beer is a sign of growth in a market. It won’t stop the
Chinese consumers desire to find a better lifestyle. It will only take
advantage of that quest’s developmental period.
The other
thing that very few people are talking about in terms of misleading the Chinese
consumer of craft beer, is the market positioning of Anheuser Busch InBev and
their portfolio of recently acquired crafty beers like Goose Island, Elysian
etc. These beers aren’t defined as craft in America, where they are from, so
putting them on a boat to China and then launching them as “craft” is
irresponsible. ABI doesn’t care about establishing craft in China. They are
getting their asses handed to them in America and are trying to correct those
losses on their spreadsheets by entering China under false pretenses. If grey
market distributors are assholes and shouldn’t be supported, what, oh what are
we to do with a multinational corporation that is lying to the Chinese public?
Time will tell I guess. I would only ask so-called beer geeks to stop
supporting Anheuser Busch InBev products, it makes you look like amateurs.
Support local craft.
说到误导市场,有另外一件很少人谈及的情况,就是百威英博把他们旗下的“特色啤酒品牌”,如Goose Island, Elysian 等,用精酿啤酒的名义进入中国市场。如果一个品牌在美国当地已经不再是属于精酿啤酒,那它们来到中国后,怎么可以就神奇般地成了“精酿啤酒”呢?这是一种不负责任的欺骗。百威英博毫不在乎建设健康的中国精酿市场。它只寄希望用这种偷换概念的做法来让财务数字变得更好看。如果在灰色市场中赚钱的人应该被抵制,那对于百威英博这种对公众撒谎的大企业应该采取什么态度呢?我真心希望那些所谓的精酿“极客”不要去支持百威英博的这些产品,因为这会让你显得很业余。请支持真正的本地精酿。
Q) Theoretically—when
more varieties/beer styles are available in the market---It would help to
enhance drinkers’ appreciation level—hence making it a better market—but it
seems with that many different beers coming into China these days---the market
is more in a state of confusion than moving forward?
First, this
is a transition period. During these periods I tend to stand on the side of
optimism. The days of the 煤老板 are coming
to an end. That is to say an uneducated but moneyed class of people that just
want the most expensive thing on the menu to express social affluence, not
taste. The anti corruption campaign has done a good job in putting this culture
to bed, but so has the reality that you can’t throw your money around like it
is infinite. Eventually you stop buying the chrome Ferrari and start thinking
about a sustainable consumption lifestyle. Right now, people just know one
thing, “craft” is a word and they hear often and people keep saying it. But
eventually it will be about what is in the glass that matters, not just the
label on the bottle. Gray market beers are not as good as the same beer
distributed through legitimate channels. The quality disparity is obvious. This
isn’t a Chinese consumer problem, it’s a shitty media/education/bar owner
problem. The best way to change this into something proactive is for actual
creators of craft beer to make better beer than what is available on the
shelves. Fresh, local beer is always preferred when talking about the best
representation to a growing market.
Second, I
couldn’t be happier with what Beijing has come to represent to Chinese craft
beer. There are more breweries and styles available now, just in Beijing, than
there were in all of China just three years ago. That’s amazing. Everything
else will catch. There is no greater motivator to make a great product than the
constant threat of going out of business. When you build a brewpub you are
putting a factory inside of a restaurant. It doubles your build out time, it
doubles your property size requirements and it increases the stress on
performance. It really is a great motivator to lead, follow or get the fuck out
of the way. There will be something like 25 brewpubs in Beijing by the end of
this year, there will be 15 by the end of next year. That’s not an expression
of pessimism, its just the truth. After that period of decline, we’ll start to
see what China’s craft beer rise will really look like.
Q: There’s quite a lot of brew pubs
in China that sells own beers---generally speaking---are these brews comparable
to International standards or there’s much work to be done yet?
As in any new and burgeoning market,
some people are making world class beers and some people are not. But
regardless, no one is perfect and there is always room for progress and
advancement from all. As long as they focus first and foremost on the quality,
everything else will come up as a result. Anyone can sell one beer to one guy,
once. It’s a sign of quality when they come back for another.
Q) Also –the
home brew game seems to be picking up in China—are we seeing a healthy trend
As craft
beer is taking off in China so is the home brewing scene. Previously, there
were hardly if any reference materials for home brewing translated into
Chinese. Recently, both in hard copy form and on online platforms like We Chat
and Weibo there have been more and more sources emerging in both English and Chinese
language. Furthermore, whereas when we first started we had to construct our
brewing equipment ourselves as online delivery services, such as Taobao, had
not yet taken off, nowadays people who want to home brew in China, both foreign
and Chinese, have ample access to the necessary components for brewing. We just
need to see a maturation in Chinese homebrewing. The trend of a homebrewer
selling his beer to the general public, goes against the entire purpose of
novice brewing. In a country that is so concerned with food safety, I’d rather
not have professionally brewed beer confused with a beer that was brewed at
someone’s home and was mascaraded as craft beer. America is a great example of what
that delineation needs to be. People seeking to make profit off of the passion
of homebrewers are a lower class of human being. There is something pure and
innocent about brewing beer just to give away to friends. The minute you start
asking for money, you stop being an amateur and you are susceptible to the same
regulations and the same punishments as a larger craft brewery or commercial
brewery. Which, in China, is not a risk I would ask of someone that is
fermenting their beer at home.
Q) Understand
that there’s a group of geeks who have been fascinated by craft beer and been
actively promoting craft beer by setting up brew pubs/ bottle shop—or by
publishing books---organizing seminars-work shop-----Is the market /newbies
being lead in right direction?
First, you
need to have an industry to lead in order to be an industry leader. A handful
of dedicated breweries across a market as big as China isn’t something that
will be definable in its current condition. So people can self-publish books or
lead conferences or make claims, but the only thing that matters is that your
product is selling to a non transient, static consumer who has other choices,
but is dedicated to your brand due to quality and reliability. I was having
this conversation earlier this week with a friend in the industry, basically
what we have now is an echo chamber of upstarts and small brands that are all
struggling to find that big payoff they were hoping for, and as a result have a
lot of time on their hands to get together and reverberate the same empty
bullshit over and over again. The social
media landscape is peppered with low value activity that is pretty insular and
really just bounces around the same handful of accounts echoing 我们的精酿就牛逼了我们的精酿就牛逼了我们的精酿就牛逼了, but in Great Leap’s case the people
that talk about us isn’t this limited group, it is our consumers, media and
international peers, and that is exposure and promotion that actually has
contextual value.
Right now,
the only thing that matters is that this industry is not going to remember
bullshitters as industry founders and bedrocks. Its going to remember people
that change public perception, regulations and international opinion. The first
and the last of those have already started, as a result the regulatory bit will
come along.
首先,得有一个成型的行业,才谈得去当一个行业的引领者。在中国如此大的消费国度,存在几家大的精酿酒厂并等于现在就有了成型的精酿市场。目前,人们可以去出书,组织什么行业会议或者去吹嘘什么,但真正重要的是消费者,消费者最终只会为有质量,可信赖的品牌买单。我前几天才跟一个行业内的朋友讨论起这个话题,我们目前看到的更多是一堆暴发户,进来这个圈子想要赚钱,还有一些小品牌互相抱团,联合一些啤酒社交媒体账号,重复地呼喊诸如 “我们的精酿牛逼了”等空洞无用的话。但是,能成为消费者,专业的媒体与国际同行这些群体谈论的话题,才是有意义有价值的。
Q) The “no
drunk no home” style of drinking culture is quite popular in China when it
comes to anything alcoholic---are we seeing that happening more often than
usual in craft beer bars--or more people treating craft beer as something for
taste rather than gulping?
Everyone has
their own pace of drinking. With craft beer, the ABV is generally significantly
higher than industrial brands, meaning people in general consume less in
quantity because they just get drunk faster. Another thing, the price for craft
beer is generally higher than industrial brands, so for many people the
experience at a craft beer bar is much different. While the purpose might still
be to get fucked up, tasting, sampling, and appreciating the beer rather than
just throwing it back is also an important part of the experience. Like I said
earlier, there is less of a prohibitive or judgmental culture towards drinking
in China. As a result beer isn’t looked at as alcohol, rather its seen as what
you drink when you take a break from the hard stuff. That being the case I
think it’s a comfortable position to be in as a bar owner. Things rarely get
out of hand, and when they do, the other customers help self regulate.
The idea of
tasting for pleasure is developing in lock step with the idea that its ok to
drink socially, at your own pace, just for pleasure. It’s a beautiful thing to
Q) 6 years
and going strong in China—what has Great Leap done right? And what might be
some of the things that can be done better?
I’d say the
most important thing we have done correctly is always focusing on producing and
selling a quality product. This instills trust and faith in our guests, which
is why they continue to return, as well as helps us continuously attract new
clientele, both Chinese and foreign.
Some of the
things we could’ve done better would be to no have wasted our time on draft
distribution in 2011, but if we hadn’t had that failure, we wouldn’t have
learned from it and found our long term success. I also think that I could just
be nicer in general. I have a very low patience level for people that enter my
market and waste opportunities. I don’t like empty words. The all of a sudden
experts, fairweather craft fans and opportunistic businessmen are what almost
killed craft beer in America in the late 90s, seeing that happening again here
makes me really upset. So some days I wish I could be nicer and more patient to
help China avoid that near future, and some days I’m happy that my general
gruff demeanor and relative success keeps those people in the periphery and out
of my day to day purview. The only thing I can hope to do is give Chinese
consumers access to high quality beer, so they can demand it every where else
they go.
Q) In very
simple words---how would you tell a newbie to give craft beer a try? Or how to
appreciate craft beer?
important word here is “craft.” When one hears this word, it imparts a
connotation that the product is not only quality, but honestly made by the
hands of its creator. So for craft beer, you are drinking the hard work of
generally just a handful of individuals who are simply trying to make people
happy. I think that says it all. Support local craft, demand that it improves.
这里,“Craft 手工”一词最为重要。当你听到这个词,你就知道这款产品不只有质量,更是由创造者手工制作出来的。所以对于精酿啤酒,你喝下的是一小撮希望制造愉悦的人的辛勤劳动。我想这样就说明了一切。支持本土精酿,期待它越来越好。