Sunday, March 26, 2017

WEEK 100---Promoting Craft in ASIA--we all can be influencers

This is week 100 of the newspaper column--could be 100 or 101/102 since there's 1 or 2 missed post on this blog.
This is a very general look at how far/near craft been moving in Asia --though the reality is that craft is still very very small in terms of overall beer market consumption in terms of volume--as well still very much unheard of by most people who drink some kind of alcoholic beverages(never mind if its beer or not).
简单说,啤酒世界可一分为二,绝对大块那个是MACRO BEER-大厂啤酒,另一块小小的就是CRAFT BEER
对喜欢CRAFT BEER的人们来说,这是一直以来市场消费的真实情况,CRAFT只是小众玩意,就算有那么多好喝的不同类别风格啤酒,可是市场上消费者不知道还有其他选择的话,再怎么好喝也没用。
Something we all who love craft beer(and mead) here in ASIA must admit is that--with market basically surrounded/conquered by the big boys of MACRO BEER---craft movement will not move if majority of the people who buy beer DON'T KNOW there's alternatives out there in the form of craft beer.
No matter which cities yo live in ASIA---the market is "owned" by the MACRO big boys--the majority only know beer in the form of BEER--the 1 question facing everyone of us who love to promote craft culture--introduce more people to craft beer is--HOW THE HELL DO YOU LET MORE PEOPLE KNOW there's something so delicious out there in the form of CRAFT BEER? that each and everyone of us has got a CHOICE--that you don't have to drink shit beer all the time.
Maybe these scenario would tell-tale a little?
1) In Asia--most people would seek for good food/delicious food--feeling proud of what their city has got if there's something famously delicious--but the common scenario is such that--people would go out of their way for food--but never beer.
Generally--people who seek out for good food-be it foodie/critics or gourmet food seekers( and so on)--would always only think of pairing their food with wine, at times fine spirits--but never beer--beer has been looked upon as nothing more than thirst quencher--easy--simple-cold-nothing complicated( lacking in class) to warrant a proper dining table treatment. 
1) 亚洲饮食文化中,就算最注重美食的美食家-食评人,都只关注葡萄酒威士忌之类,完全不觉得啤酒是需要注重的酒类,长期的错误观念让绝对多少人觉得啤酒只是喝了胀气的酒精黄汤水,甚至觉得喝啤酒没品味,跟美食搭不上关系。
Question is--if you think taste profile in your food is so important--how the hell not when it comes to drinking a beer?(stereotype is such a scary thing- that even foodie thought beer is just BEER)
2)The sub-culture thingy--it's basically everywhere--TV shows /drama/movies/even songs/ literature/comics--there's plenty of scene where drinking beer is basically binging, to get shit-faced --it's basically saying you just need to gulp it down--in big volume.
2) 亚洲次文化中,"不醉无归" "喝到趴下"是很多人觉得理所当然的,喝酒嘛,当然要尽兴。在一般大厂啤酒销售点,几个人围在一起喝"啤酒塔""一桶桶的瓶装啤酒是最常见画面,"劈酒"更是平常事。就那样,啤酒一直被误解成牛喝的东西(牛饮)
The idea of tasting/savouring a beer--that's quite alien to many--people would either laugh at that idea--or thought you are just trying to be fxxking pretentious?
3) BEER is relatively something cheap and easily accessible--it's a fact that many MACRO big boys has got "local" breweries in many part of ASIA--that would mean already cheaper cost of production PLUS tax incentives in some cases.
3) 很多大厂啤酒在亚洲城市都有设厂大量生产供应本地需求,因为是"本地厂",抛开原本就是用料简单低廉,当然还有税务优惠,价格肯定比进口CRAFT廉宜,也因为那样,不少消费者一听到入口啤酒价格,在不了解质素味道层次能带来巨大差别味蕾享受情况下,心理上很快抗拒,觉得啤酒只是啤酒,为什么要多给钱?
Some Asia cities like KL where i live--if you want American beers--that would mean sorry ass weak Ringgit to pay for strong USD in exchange rates + import duties + GST ...
Even in cases where say a craft beer is perhaps only 5 ringgit higher than a bottle of MACRO--there's still this perceived value in most non-craft drinker's mind--that BEER is something cheap--why pay more? it's just BEER....
So how the hell can we spread the words--let more people understand they have a choice when they drink a beer next time?
 "INFLUENCER" is the word.
Think back of the time when you first started having your first few craft beer--did you started on your own? or there's someone along the way which triggered/started your quest for even better beer?
It's quite a natural act for geeks wanting to share info/knowledge with new people--and what better way can someone new to craft beer to start than having a geek or someone who knows some craft beer places to drink with?
Next time when you go out with friends--especially friends who know nothing about craft beer---when it's time to order a beer or two--why not ask yourself and your friends--is that all BEER can offer? what about CHOICES of beers? what about flavours?what about varieties?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WEEK 99 --- Open up your senses-- STOP being a Beer-Blind

It is a fact not even worth arguing--that 9 out of 10( or it could well be 11 out of 10!) people only know beer as BEER, as in MACRO BEER - that its always a no-brain-er when ordering a BEER.
这当然是错的- 多得单调无趣大厂啤酒多年“调教”有方--大家基本都变“啤盲”而不自知。
It is also a fact that MACRO BEER giants- through the years--with their marketing money/strength and "lifestyle" ad campaigns has firmly planted the stereo-type images of BEER in a certain way--here's some general attitude people would have when mentioning BEER (much like in a blind-folded way) :-
1) BEER is either "white" or "black"-varieties? what varieties?
Anyone growing up/living long enough in  Asia- particularly Malaysia or Singapore would have heard this many times over--that BEER is either only "white" or "black"--that's the only way BEER is known.
It's a fact( though it's a pity) that absolute majority don't know / not heard of craft beer--that's the awesome colorful beer world full of varieties/styles way beyond just "white" or "black".
Perhaps the closest anyone who refer BEER world as just 2 tone in color could muster is DRAFT BEER( instead of craft)- thanks but no thanks to the influence of MACRO.
1) 啤酒不是白就是黑,没什么需要选择的。
啤酒不是白就是黑只是大厂啤酒市场营销策略描绘的单调无趣选择,啤酒世界真实情况是选择多样化到会让一些人“选择困难症”发作,是绝对不止黑白的霓虹灿烂,这个啤酒世界的名字叫做Craft Beer。(请不要混淆为DRAFT BEER
2) BEER needs to be ICE-COLD and Down Fast
Try telling anyone that you need to let a glass of beer slowly warm up--give it a little bit of time to "breath"/"find it's footing" so that you can better enjoy it's full flavour--and you shall be laughed at.
in the world of BEER--almost no one knows that a beer actually would taste better/more rounded/fuller in taste profile if given proper temperature treatment/timing that beer deserved(i said almost coz there are few who do warm stout--but that's another story).
thanks but no thanks to MACRO- almost all of us only know a glass a ICE COLD BEER is best served with Frozen Glasses--and down it in no time. ( coz it taste horrible when warm :)
2) 啤酒哪需要讲究什么不同温度,冷到结霜程度快快喝就对了。
Craft Beer世界,不同类型啤酒需要不同温度才能真正领略到完整风味,太冷喝只是浪费酒,正确方式是让啤酒稍微回温,原理有点像是喝葡萄酒讲究“醒酒”或让“酒呼吸”那样,只有适当温度才能让啤酒发挥应有风味。
3) Never MIX--just keep to"white" or "black"
it's quite a common belief among some MACRO drinkers that the best way to avoid getting smashed is "do not mix your beer"--meaning if you been drinking "white"--just keep to that, don't drink the next beer "black"--always only keep to the same beer!
Well the truth is--no matter who you are or how high or low you Alcohol tolerance level might be--you will be asking for troubles if you:-
a) drinking empty stomach
b) drinking when you already dead tired
So--thanks but no thanks to MACRO--the real fun of drinking varieties of different styles of craft beer will hardly be known by most BEER drinkers.
3) 啤酒不要混着喝,喝白就一路白,黑就黑。
至于不要黑白混着喝这回事,一点问题也没有,说白了,啤酒混着喝才是Craft Beer好玩之处,为的不是醉,而是尝试不同味道风格类别啤酒,
当然,喝Craft Beer这回事,最重要的还是品尝,不是牛饮,更不是买醉。
4) ICE PLEASE--BEER is too warm/too "thick"
Adding ice cube--it's quite a norm in the world of BEER- isn't it? well--it's even quite common with some wine-drinkers--so what is wrong with adding ICE?
here's a case at Mikkeller Bangkok sometime ago--a curious drinker went there - found the glass of porter too "strong" for his liking(though already had taster)--asked for ice cube--obviously not given any--went on social media to wank..
Is that guy right to ask for Ice cube? YES i heard many many of you BEER drinkers said- so thanks but no thanks to MACRO- the idea of actually "murdering" a beer flavours by adding ice or by serving it ice cold don't exist in you--and that's a real pity you don't understand the concept of flavours in beer.
4) 啤酒杯中加冰块是正常的,反正有人喝红酒也那样。
不过,在Craft Beer世界中,冷只是一个事前动作,真正品尝时候需要的是啤酒由冷在回温过程中出现的味道变化,这是领会完整啤酒风味的过程,任何加冰的动作等于是在谋杀味道。
不懂啤酒真实世界的人或许会觉得“加冰”没什么不可,只是,对懂得Craft Beer的人来说,“加冰”这动作是很有讽刺意味的,显示了大厂啤酒蒙蔽大家对真正啤酒世界感知能力的策略多成功,而一般消费者对啤酒的认知是多么无知。
5) Why bother go specific places only--just to buy BEER?
BEER is something easily accessible--BEER is something very convenient--that has been the key to MACRO successes.
The fact that craft beer community is formed by tens of thousands of small breweries/distributors/bars/bottle shops- and the nature of craft culture of "brewing what i like/think could be fun" mean only 1 thing--that there's no way craft would rival MACRO in terms of accessibility or available volume.
It's quite interesting to note that in ASIA lots of people would drive/travel far and wide just to get a good meal--no one will ask why go there coz the reason is obvious--only that restaurant/that chef can cook something so delicious.
BUT--why no one think that way when it's time to choose a BEER? that you need to go somewhere specific--coz that bottle of beer/that keg of beer is only available there!
5) 啤酒随处可买到,为什么CRAFT只能去专卖店?
Craft Beer的世界不是由几家国际大公司自己生产自己供应自己玩完,而是世上很多不同地方成千上万酿坊形成,每一家的酿品都不太一样,产量也不太多,有时候甚至只是酿一次玩玩就不酿,当然做不到随处可买到,这就是为什么喜欢喝或想喝Craft的朋友一定要去专卖店找,就像找美食那样。
6) BEER is just BEER- it's cold maybe a bit bitter-that's all
It was quite a joke when this dude who "like BEER" went to Cantillon sometime ago--posted his comments on social media-- asking people to "avoid this place if you love beer"--kinda trying to turn Cantillon into "CANTI-NO".
But-is that dude wrong in saying what he felt/tasted? that he could not handle the beer he thought should be BEER?
Not really--maybe we should congratulate the marketing/blind folding team of MACRO for successfully making most of us "Beer-Blind" who knows nothing about varieties of taste profile out there in the beer world--thinking all beers would only tasting how BEER should be all these while.
6) 啤酒就只是有点苦涩,冷冷的饮料,不可能有什么其他味道。
so whose fault is it that most of us are essentially"Beer-Blind"? regardless if you realized or not--the truth is--in the world where commercialization is where big money is made---perceptions formed(rightly or wrongly)-- there's simply no stopping MACRO playing that "blind-folding" game they been so good at over times--it's entirely up to us to decide--if you would still like to be "beer-blind" or you would maybe try saying this next time:-
"i need choices--WHAT would be a nice beer to drink?"
just like you always do when it comes to FOOD.