Monday, May 28, 2018

WEEK 131---Beer can be Fun/Breathing/Gone in a sec/Queuing overnight....

The highly anticipated #MBCC2018 (Mikeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen) is over---instead of doing a fest report--it will be a sort of 3 parts articles for the newspaper column talking about smaller things either officially related to #MBW(Mikkeller Beer Week) or other activities held during that week by bars which is outside of the organizer's official activities.
众多啤迷期待的哥本哈根啤酒庆典在两周前结束了,作为Craft Beer界最有代表性啤酒庆典的一周,这几个事情是有点趣味的:-

For the uninitiated(look away if you are an expert or old time geeks)--this first article touch on things non-craft beer drinkers or perhaps newbies would not expect of a beer:-
1) Getting all "slush-up" by "slushie" fun version 
Anyone who attended beerfest with the presence of  Omnipollo would notice that these guys don't usually serve their beers from a regular kegerator--there's always a twist to how they serve the beers--and yes--they are fond of using a 'slushie-machine"--like those at convenience store---this "slushie"version beer is very different from those straight out of a tap, or from a bottle--it has that extra layer of smoothness/silkiness/creamy mouth feel that would make a good beer that much more better. In fact it was so nice that some of us geeks were jokingly calling this "slushie" version a "fraud/cheat"( in a nice way--of course we don't mind) because one seems to only be able to get this version during the fest---go drink the same beer from a regular bar or from bottle and you will NOT be able to get that extra layer of creamy "slushieness" ---as for if this is the way Omnipollo is trying to tell people that "if you want that special"slushie"version--come to a fest"?  I did not ask Henok or any of the Omnipollo guys--but very much welcome to point out if i have gotten the wrong impression or if they do indeed serve that version regularly at the bar in Stockholm.
2) Beers do uses Decanter at times( it's not limited to wine only)
OK--using a decanter for certain beers might be news/unheard of for non-craft beer drinkers or some newbies---but it's certainly NOT exclusive to bars/fest in Copenhagen only--in fact we geeks in craft desert KL did tried using it for a few beers(mead too)--the fact is that while the use of Decanter for beers is not often/usually needed--but for certain style of beers(examples certain lambic/stouts/barley wine/mead and so on..)---the use of decanter would help open up/let the beer breath/warm up/become more rounded/full body compared to say drinking right away once opened....
The thing is--some beers really would benefit with some patience/waiting time before being consumed, it's kinda like an athelete needs warming up before going into a match----same for CERTAIN styles of beers----for examples---try drink and finish a stouts quickly say within 10-15 minutes--and drink that same stouts slowly say only starting to drink 5-10 minutes after opening and slowly sip within 1 hour or so--a really good stouts will show the differences/nuances with change of temperature/as it warm up)
3) Gone in Seconds
There's no denying that after 2016 fest in Copenhagen, the fame( ok- there are some who called it HYPE) and "in demand' level of Bokkereyder has gone off the roof---love it or loathe it---the fact is that the few ticketing tasting sessions with Raf at Koelschip were literally gone in seconds---a friend of mine got a ticket to the event because he was clever/impatience enough to start clicking the keyboard half a minute or so before online sale started....
If you are a non-craft drinker--or a newbies still---yes---sometimes a ticketing beer event can go crazy like a mega rock star concerts--it's almost impossible to grab a ticket online.
4) Queuing overnight just for ONE bottle of beer
Yes--you heard it right--people do that--in fact in Copenhagen--people do that every year for a particular beer.
What beer is that ? to cut a long story short--it's a blueberry lambic called Cantillon Blabaer--why it's so special? well--because it's specially brewed yearly for a bottle shop(Olbutikken) which the owner/s closed down not long ago and operates a bar (Himmeriget) the other side of town but nothing changes as far as this specially dedicated brew is concerned---Cantillon Blabaer is only available in Copenhagen(not even in Brussels where it's brewed), so every year there will be geeks who wanted this brew lining up for hours rain or shine just to be able to obtain one.
This year---there's a total of 300 bottles of Cantillon Blabaer( half in 750ml size/half 375ml) up for grabs during that week when we were in town---anyone want one--very easy--just line up--make sure you are in the first 300 people in the queue.
And so there's 4 Brazilians geeks (who i do know some of them) who waited in line outside the bar the night before sale started at 12pm noon the next day---i went the next day around 10.45 to check on the scenes--there's a long queue as expected--and there's empty bottles and cans along the queue---those are what the geeks in line been sharing--from some nice lambics to some American stouts to cans of NEIPAs----these people surely know how to enjoy/share while waiting in line---according to what the Brazilian guys posted after securing a bottle each--it was around 18 hours wait to be the first 4 in line---if you would asked was it worth the wait then it's really a million dollar question----no one can say for sure--it's like some people don't mind driving hours for a meal at a particular restaurant--while some are too lazy to even go anywhere within half an hour journey.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

WEEK 130---Drink Beer for Taste/Flavours---NOT ALCOHOL

This piece started with a conversation with a geek friend who not too long ago had a beer at a craft beer bar which was already way past it's best.

It's not unusual--from Shanghai to here in KL--we hear geeks complaining at times about encounters with either badly kept beer or beers which already past it's prime(due to whatever reasons it might be but the fact is these people still sell to drinkers these subpar beers)--especially those which emphasis on hops freshness such as IPAs or Pale Ale.....(yes--we are talking about imported beers here)
1)朋友说的是能接受美味期,这跟一般人印象中的超市罐头/瓶装食品或饮料可食用/饮用期限概念有别,在Craft Beer世界里,如果一支啤酒是属于强调啤酒花鲜味类型,特别是IPAPale Ale的话,就算瓶子/罐子上印着一年内可饮用,这也只是可饮用期限,绝对不是美味期限,打个比喻,如果说面包新鲜出炉一小时内最好吃的话,强调啤酒花鲜味类型啤酒也一样,要是说面包每多一小时新鲜度/好吃程度就逐渐直线下降的话,可以说,面包的一小时就类似等于这类啤酒的一个星期美味度,放得越久,美味度越低。
What happened to my friend was that he went to a bar--ordered a certain ipa( or was it pale ale?)--had two sips and told the guy at the bar "the beer taste off--it's smelling/tasting died hops and old malt"--the "funny" part was the staff at the bar look a little surprised/puzzled--pointing to the label on the bottle and said "oh, but the beer is still within expiry date"......
For the uninitiated---it is true a beer( be it bottle or can) would be deemed drinkable within a certain "expiry date"---BUT---if we are talking about certain beer styles which give first priority to FRESHNESS of the beer--in particular hops---examples IPAs or Pale Ale--then the term "expiry date" does not really come into play here--in short--the "expiry date" is a USELESS term because UNLIKE canned food items from supermarket---a beer which emphasis on Freshness is only as good as a freshly baked bread/bun--the deliciousness goes down by the hour( in beer case--by the week/month)
3)虽然啤酒仍是在可饮用期限内,说白一点,一般喝酒人绝大可能也喝不出/不会觉得那支啤酒有什么问题,可是对啤迷来说,如果专卖吧店员不很清楚店里啤酒有什么问题的话,那就是个大问题,这意味着店家很可能只把Craft Beer 当一般商品看待,也意味着去这家喝的新人朋友在还不太懂得分辨珍珠还是稻草阶段时要喝到高质素啤酒机会将减低,Craft Beer 并不像卖大厂啤酒那样简单,店家没有一定程度热爱/了解/正确态度的话,分分钟可能误导着饮客还不自知。
Let's assume that if a freshly baked bread/bun with no additive is good for 72 hours( read--expiry date)---the truth may well be this particular bread/bun is only tasty within the first 12 hours---same goes for a freshness emphasis beer like ipa or pale ale---the longer it wait in the storage place( there better be a cold room)---the less tasty the beer become--hence--let's say THAT beer my friend had has a 12 month expiry date---and it was kept in cold storage( rather than warm room temp)--the deliciousness of the beer would diminish by the week goes by---and according to what my friend described--that bottle of beer though might still be within "expiry date" but it's certainly past it's 'delicious hour"--if we could use a bread/bun hours to describe--that bottle of beer is like a bread already over 50 hours--still not expired but you would prefer not to eat.....
或许,这样听起来喝Craft Beer好像是件有点麻烦有点需要基本知识的事情,其实也没想象中那么复杂,就像吃东西那样,比如说吃过十多二十家不同店家做的云吞面/鸡饭/汉堡包就会有点基本概念说什么是用料好坏差别,什么是有真功夫或学艺未精就敢开门做生意的,喝基本也是这样,比如说喝多些不同酿坊但同类型风格啤酒就会对酿品高下有点了解,又比如说那种强调啤酒花鲜味的啤酒可以通过喝同一酿坊但不同日期版本来了解什么是啤酒花鲜味退减影响等等。
The main issue here is that ---expiry date is not really important---unless what you wanted to drink is only alcohol--if you drink for the many different taste and flavours beers can bring and especially when drinking a beer style emphasizing on deliciousness due mainly to freshness of hops--then one should always look for the "delicious date"(read the shorter the kept date the better) of a beer rather than paying attention to expiry date.
后记:基本概念,Craft Beer不同类别风格非常多,不是所有啤酒都需要第一时间新鲜喝,有不少类别风格比如比利时修道院啤酒(Trappist),天然发酵果酸啤酒(Lambic),大黑啤(Imperial Stout),大麦酒(Barley Wine)等都适合收藏,很多时候,收藏得好的话,时间能让酿品变更有层次更好喝。如果要问什么类型啤酒能收什么需要新鲜喝的详细,网上资料很多,可以自己上网查看。
If you need to understand what are some beer styles need to drink fresh and what are some actually needing longer time of keeping( for beer to mature/become more rounded/complex)--there's plenty of info in the WWW to explore--there's also some books you could read on for that particular knowledge......

The next time when you find an ipa or pale ale tasting weird but still within expiry date--you might want to read the label of the bottle again to see if the brewer/brewery actually said--"drink as fresh it can be....."

Friday, May 4, 2018

WEEK 129----Drink as if going to WORK in a Beerfest

And so its happening Next Week, the much anticipated event of the year--Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen(#MBCC2018) .

Well, to most people, it's just a beer festivals---but for geeks like us who lives in craft-desert, the activities lined up for next week is a big big deal, it would be a week which would quench our thirst for awesome brew for a year's worth--the joke among some of us here is that a week or even few days in Copenhagen during MBCC week is way way better than drinking everyday here(and nope, drinking everyday is NOT what i need).
下个星期就是CRAFT BEER界年度盛事,哥本哈根啤酒庆典的到来,主办方在周中宣布了部份参与酿坊酒单,虽还不是全部100家,却已让啤迷朋友大呼“让人疯狂的清单”,然后说“真的需要研究下会场各酿坊位置图,看怎样才能有效率品尝想喝酒款,节省场内不同角落来回跑领酒喝时间”。
So, the big week is coming, but looking at what's coming from the day i set foot in Copenhagen come next week is quite hectic to say the least---there's not only various tap takeover/tasting events/bottle release/meet the brewer and such by bars/restaurants directly related to Mikkeller--but also many other bars that would have other activities during that same week. And that's only what's available to drink before the 2 days 4 sessions beerfest starts. Come Friday/Saturday of 11th & 12th---the "work load" is even more daunting--the first question is --where do you start or how do you pick what to drink/what not to drink from hundreds of beer/mead/hard cider from no less than 100 breweries inside Oksnehallen?
Let's take for examples some of what's happening on Thursday 10th of May alone:-
from the Mikkeller official participating bars/venues :-
1)Tap takeover by Other Half & Finback & Kane at mikkeller bar
2)Arizona Wilderness Tap takeover at Warpigs
3)Jester King bottle release at Torvehallerne bottle shop
4)Hoof Hearted event at Mikropolis
5)Bokkereyder Tasting at Koelschip
6)Jester King taptakeover at Baghaven + bottle release of Baghaven
7) Scandinavia taptakeover at Mikkeller & Fiends.....

and then there's also non mikkeller related bars having:-
1) Cantillon Blabaer limited Release plus tap takeover of Cantillon & Equilibrium --where pop up bar starts as early as 8am!!--at Himmeriget
2) Another new bar in town 1420 will also be having a Cantillon event.
3) A Verdant & Buxton tap takeover at Fermentoren...
There's probably more activities but these 10 events are some i have noticed and it's already too many to pick/try to attend.....
and then onto the 2 days 4 sessions beerfest on Friday & Saturday--looking at the beer list for Friday Morning yellow session alone is already very challenging-- if you are going for just 1 particular session and call it a fest then it's likely easier--but if you are like some of us who would go for ALL 4 sessions--then it will be much more tricky.

Let's look at some of the Big Stouts lined up for FRIDAY Morning( 10am-2pm) sessions alone, where do one starts and how do you manage efficiency issue by not wasting too much time running from different corners of the hall trying to pick up drinks?(granted some big ones will see people lining up), as well as managing alcohol tolerance issue( there's another session to go from 4-8pm).
Personally i have tried the pre-event preparations in one year--only to Not bothered following the "drinking plan" when inside hall--and one year i was really going totally unprepared and just pick as i walk and drink--but that Friday Morning beer list for this year kinda made me wanted to try and "cherry pick" a list of brew i would like to taste(as shown below one of few pages)--and i actually did went through the whole morning session brew--picked some --and guess what--that list of mine contains some 50+ breweries, some with 2 brew some with 1, meaning my list is having at least 100 beer/mead/hard cider which i'm either curious about or really wanted to have a sip-but that's not gonna happen as i know from previous experiences that i will not be able to sample a 100 brew--actually not even 50....( *there's another session to go in the afternoon --and no point drinking until you don't actually know what you are drinking coz your palate already damn fxxked or alcohol has taken over your mind and body).
会场内,很多时候会看到一大班人坐一起,像是做研究/考试那样认真拿着本子/手机记录尝味心得(TASTING NOTE),他她们不是什么研究机构人员,就只是啤迷,是比一般啤迷更致力于参与评酒网站/手机程式评酒的一群,这群人会更像完成“工作报告”那样更致力于品尝更多款的目标。至于不是“研究员”的啤迷们,因为想要尝味/评估/记录的不同酒款实在很多。有些啤迷也会或三两人或更多人的分工合作,同时间去不同酿坊摊位领酒然后分享,不同酒款都喝些,即能喝少尝多,也节省个别跑来跑去领酒时间,快乐的工作着大概是这样解释吧
It's true going to a craft beer festivals the level of MBCC is something geeks looking forward to--i missed out last year so i know how it feels when friends were rejoicing/enjoying some awesome brews in CPH---but looking at it from another angle--it's true Copenhagen is the best beer heaven to be come next week--but with so many activities all going on almost at the same time during that particular week--it felt as if too many good things coming in all at once(how nice if say all those activities can be split into weekly events and happen this part of the world throughout the year :)--and half jokingly half seriously--the coming week in CPH would be like going to work for some of us geeks--you kinda need a plan or so to tackle that many activities/so much to drink...
会场内,很多时候会看到一大班人坐一起,像是做研究/考试那样认真拿着本子/手机记录尝味心得(TASTING NOTE),他她们不是什么研究机构人员,就只是啤迷,是比一般啤迷更致力于参与评酒网站/手机程式评酒的一群,这群人会更像完成“工作报告”那样更致力于品尝更多款的目标。至于不是“研究员”的啤迷们,因为想要尝味/评估/记录的不同酒款实在很多。有些啤迷也会或三两人或更多人的分工合作,同时间去不同酿坊摊位领酒然后分享,不同酒款都喝些,即能喝少尝多,也节省个别跑来跑去领酒时间,快乐的工作着大概是这样解释吧
后记:如果你不了解什么是哥本哈根啤酒庆典(Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen简称MBCC),基本概念就像是一个两天四个场次的顶级美食飨宴那样的啤酒/蜜酒盛宴,受邀前来参与的酿坊都不会是泛泛之辈,从大师级别到火热新贵到蓄势待发实力新人都有。
It would be interesting to see if my so called "cherry picked" beer list would work inside hall come Friday Morning session--as for the weekdays leading up to the fest--- i guess having some rice/soup/Chinese/Thai food or perhaps Ramen and good enough sleep would be vital to being able to really enjoying what's coming.

See you guys in Copenhagen soon.