听说了新加坡CRAFT BEER情况比这里活跃好些时候了,也知道隔岸的朋友比我们多瓶子选择。
三天走走看看,算不上对新加坡craft beer 情况有多了解,这之间,去了一家小型酿酒作坊看/帮酿酒师准备了千多加仑的IPA,算是对酒怎么酿有那么一点点看过。当然,最主要的还是逛逛人家卖瓶子卖ON TAPS的地方,喝喝聊聊。
三天以来尝味了不少啤酒,比较期待的是ROUGE的DOUBLE CHOCOLATE,因为一年多之前有幸在上海一家酒吧喝过ON TAPS的,当时口感印象深刻,一听到新加坡有瓶子卖就即刻要了。
这瓶DOUBLE CHOCOLATE 之外,三天在狮城喝过比较有印象的有EVIL TWINS的BISCOTTI BREAK,口感其实比期待的那瓶更浓郁。也喝了按照二十五年前原有方式酿的ROUGE 25 INTERGRITY ALE(口感觉得追不上现代舌头了)。。
也有口福尝了小口别人分享的瓶子, HIGHWAY 78 SCOTCH ALE 和 LAKEWOOD BOURBON BARRE TEMPTRESS。。都是属于有威士忌影响的黑啤。。可口。
IPA方面,个人还是偏向来自美国的两瓶,ALESMITH IPA和STONES IPA。哦,还有在一家专卖日本啤酒BAR喝到的志贺高原SHIGA1 KOGEN IPA。
当然,三天以来,尝味的不止这些提到的瓶子,还有好些来自不同国家的佳酿。可以肯定的是,我们或许可以大声说槟城小吃,吧生肉骨茶,或者NASI LEMAK比较好吃。。不过,现阶段说到CRAFT BEER,在选择方面我们还是落后了一些,要说到对CRAFT BEER有热情有投入的爱好者,从业者的话,新加坡还是多了一些。
还好,我们也不太差,只是需要更多喜欢CRAFT 的人们出现,作为纯粹消费者也好,尝试做点什么推广也好,又或是开店卖craft beer也好,这里,需要的就是更多人的参与,更多的推动力。。。
its only a few hour's drive to Spore from KL.
but somehow i have not been to the Lion city for quite a while despite knowing it's a more happening place as far as craft beer is concern.
and so the day came last month, it was more like a spontaneous trip.
the 3 days were spend largely from place to place, shop to shop, although the first day were more of a learning session where the guys from the pump room were kind enough to let us "participate" in brewing an IPA...(well...more like watch from the sideline, do a bit of hard labour, pour in the Wheat,Hops....its was certainly good fun)
i was looking forward to drinking Rouge Double Chocolate when i heard there's bottle available since i last had it on taps many months ago in Shanghai. On the same night, I had the opportunity to try out Evil twin's Biscotti Break, which i would say is thicker and kind of tastier than the one I was expecting, as well Woodlake bourbon barrel Temptress...ending the night with a Stone IPA was indeed... de..li...cious!
other bottles tasted that still lingers on includes:-
milk porter from TO OL
a few sip shared by someone next table, tasty nice bottle though..
as well something nicely sour from this one:-
well, there's certainly more choices than meets the eyes over the other side of the causeway, and when it comes to people who are into craft beer, i would say there's most likely more over there than what we have here in KL.
while there is no way we would Not say our Penang/Malacca street food, Klang Bahkuteh, or even Nasi lemak is probably way better than what our friends have in S'pore, we have to somehow admit that we still need a lot more people getting involve with craft beer here in KL, be it just purely as drinker/s, or try to do something/ anything to help promote the craft beer culture, or even just open up a store/bar selling craft beers...then we could have a more vibrant than it is craft beer scene in KL....and that would be a nice scenario to have....for now....well....we are not very far behind, but we are....behind....:)
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