Monday, April 18, 2016


clicked on the blog to look for an older post this morning and was a little surprised the page view meter read 25K and growing...

From the first posting in 19th October 2013, this "craft-talk" blog slowly became part of "self-pleasing" things in life--sometimes to think that a guy who basically lives in "CRAFT-DESERT" has been able to write for almost 3 years now is quite "bull shiting"...
Of course--25k organic growth is nothing if you were to notice those International Blog/Website which easily surpassed few millions or tens of millions page view/followers within weeks of opening.

既然自己爽--就爽到底吧--上次10K时候刚好遇到曼谷“米吧”有THREE FLOYDS的占领啤酒泵活动--在曼谷喝到11个FFF的鲜啤--能不爽吗?
这次25K--怎么也要算上下个月8号开始的哥本哈根啤酒庆典--也要扯上在WARPIGS专门为HILLFARMSTEAD 举行的HILLFARMSTEAD DAY--更加要扯上CBC 2016那两天疯狂极致的美好啤酒飨宴。
Yes--writing this blog and creating/updating "craftbeer_art" FB has become a way of life--if anything--the only thing i don't understand is that--did Mark Zuckerberg not know that not many craft beer business would spend on advertising? so why keep asking me( the poor blogger who actually need crowd funding or sponsorship for multiple dream trips to US/EUROPE) to advertise with FB? I don't have a reason to advertise and i don't have the Budget   :)
Bull shit aside--i guess a little bit of "self-pleasing" is ok by noting that the last time when i posted a remark about Page View was back in October 2014--when the blog first hit passed 10K mark--that was celebrated with a Three Floyds tap takeover in Mikkeller BKK.
To hit 25K 3 weeks before Copenhagen Beer Week, Hillfarmstead Day and the main evenr---Copenhagen Beer Celebration is probably the biggest self-pleasing act i could pull off....:)

Cheers to all you beer geeks out there....

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