Friday, February 28, 2025

WEEK 231--2024 Most Memorable Beer & Mead List(Part 1/3)---by ct(KL)

First post for 2025--with the "customary" most memorable list from last year--while previously there would be list from geek friends--this time it's only my list as a sort of year end note to look back on what were some which stood out in terms of flavours/overall feel personal palate wise.


Looking back--2024 was a rather quiet year in terms of number of sharing sessions--or travelling for beer--couple with hardly ever drink at home--quantity wise last year been rather small--but craft beer is not about quantity--grateful to have had some nice ones thanks to the limited sharing sessions here in Malaysia as well Japan.

过去十二个月喝了些什么让人留下较深刻印象作品是个人对不同年度craft beer探索总结方式,个人因为并不像好些啤迷朋友那样一旦开喝就会用评酒app留下酒评记录,每次都是看照片回想有哪些是去年让人留下较深刻印象啤酒蜜酒作品,某种程度也算切题。

here's the list:-
Side Project-Double Barrel Derivation & Derivation Grand Cru
Thanks to KL tasting group guys who have got the membership--it was quite unimaginable 3-4 years ago that we can sample as many high level brews from SP here in KL--Had the double willet double tanzarnian version earlier in the year during a lunch meet--in short it was a vanilla bomb in a stout form.
Had the Grand Cru version during Xmas share--the use of amburana barrel certainly added some unique to this wood aroma apart from the dark choco-vanilla notes.

Floodland- Seekers After Light
Courtesy of a geek friend who visited Tokyo same time as i did last year--had this blend of Gin & Sauvignon Blanc barrel aged saison soaked in nectarines & grape pomace at almost half of what brewer's recommended as best sampling date(12months)--fruits aroma evidently active--easy drinking with depth.

A gift bottle from a Tokyo geek friend--shared with the guys here during Xmas--the nose upon opening & jamminess on first sip was a very pleasant surprise for everyone--likely the most raspberry flavour forward( & back end) mead encountered by far.

Smooj- Pina Colada
ok--this one is technically not a beer--though the maker is a craft beer brewery(Homes brewery)--Hard Seltzer is basically adjuncted alcoholic soda water--though it sounded simple but this one was really tasty & "dangerously" too easy & pleasing to drink-you get coconut-pineapples in a rather thick body soda water & it's delicious.
#had the other variants including strawberry  banana but personally like this the most/ 
技术层面上既不是啤酒也不是蜜酒的作品,这实际上是酒精气泡水(Hard Seltzer),作品来自美国酿坊Homes旗下副品牌。喝过几款不同水果或鸡尾酒概念作品中以这款凤梨椰汁类果泥气泡水最出色,既有凤梨风味也有明显椰子风味,相对较浓郁酒体也让人感受到有异于一般气泡水那种单薄的泡沫感,让整体口感更丰富厚实。

Test+Root&Branch+Hudsen Valley-Continuum of Infinities
Brought this Triple Hazy Ipa back from Tokyo to share with friends here--was not expecting anything really since this is an imported item and not too sure how much care was given during it's journey from US to Japan--was pleasantly surprised by how tasty & balance this one did with no hint of alcohol at all--given it's hard to get top notch fresh ipas here in KL--this one really stood out.
从东京带回本地分享的美国新酿坊合酿作品,虽然评酒应用程式上评价高但实际开喝前并没有抱什么期望,部份原因在于这是日本进口商从美国带进市场的作品,基于运输和处理过关税过程以及储藏方式都有可能对气候温度更敏感的IPA作品带来退化问题。因为上述考量,开喝时对作品啤酒花鲜香程度,以及身为一不小心就会酒精味涌现的三倍印度淡啤  (Triple IPA)的均衡易喝表现感到惊喜,在少有能在本地喝到高质印度淡啤情况下是去年让人喝了开心的一款啤酒花作品。


Cantillon- Lou Pepe Gueuze 1999
for Lambic geek--any of the 3 variants of Lou Pepe appearing in a sharing session is always something to behold--thanks to the kind sharing of a geek friend in Tokyo--this one is still alive with nice balance between notes of sourness-oak-leather & funk.
可以这么说,无论是哪一年或哪一款的Lou Pepe系列作品,对比利时天然发酵酸啤迷来说,能喝到就是幸福时光,除了因为这是相对来说不算常态款系列之外,更重要的是因为这系列无论是酸樱桃/覆盆子还是纯酸啤三个分类作品都是优质作品代名词,能在东京分享会喝到像这款有一定“岁数”作品更是意料之外收获,岁月没有让作品风味大幅减退,相反的酒体气泡表现依然生动,木桶风味和霉香中酸度适中加上类皮革气息,让人自动慢下来的一款。

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