Saturday, December 30, 2017


Today's list is from Fish Fung, a geek friend from Hong Kong. Fish is from the industry as she manage Tap beer bar at Mongkok, and is a familiar face to many in the craft community in and around HK, a certified BJCP beer judge and certified cicerone beer server, Fish has picked these 8 beers/mead for her 2017 list.(English version is based on her copy in Chinese--not word by word though)
对不少到过香港TAP专卖吧的啤迷朋友来说,阿鱼FISH FUNG是不陌生的名字,身为香港精酿啤酒行业一份子,FISH除了工作上面向CRAFT, 也考上了BJCP 和CICERONE两大啤酒专业认证,以下是她的年度酒单:-(英文为大意翻翻)

首先感謝CT Tai 的邀請,有機會寫一個2017年度最深印象的啤酒回顧,過往飲生涯中,都應該試過不少好東西,有時真的需要拍照以便自己可以回看,不然真的很易忘記。

第一枝 新加坡的黃金愛爾
Singapore / Brewlander / Hope Summer Ale / 4.5%ABV
Brewlander是新加坡品牌,釀酒廠設於柬埔寨,剛好成立一週年。釀酒師是當地人,他為新加坡悶熱的天氣打造了這啤酒─HOPE Summer Ale (品種屬於黃金愛爾),其實也蠻適合香港潮濕的天氣,回想那天正值風球前夕,坐左平台外,呷一口爽口清脆的啤酒,十分解鬱。雖然很多啤酒都做到清爽口感,但它還帶來一陣陣麥芽甜香,如微微蜜糖、餅乾,和啤酒花帶出的花香及橘子如橙皮香味,酒體十分乾淨氣泡亦十分足夠,酒精度不算高,算是亞洲區釀得比較好的淡愛爾系列之一。
A Singapore craft brand brewed in Cambodia, a very nice ale for the often hot and humid weather of South East Asia, and suitable for Hong Kong weather too--refreshing, crisp, with hints of honey/biscuit and floral/citrus influences from the hops, one of the better Asia brew around.

第二枝 酸啤入門
Sweden & Maryland USA / Dugges & Stillwater / Tropic Sunrise / 4.5%ABV
With hints of mango/pineapple and raspberry, fruity and sour, a light and easy drinking one especially during a hot summer day.

第三枝 來自德州的禮物
Texas USA / Jester King / Colour Five / 7.1%ABV
單是幻想都彷如喝得到的複雜味道,既有Saison的汽泡感、Kriek (Fruit Lambic) 的果酸度、亦有Flanders Red的橡木味,入口第一句我只有:「嘩,非常好喝!」它能提供每種風味的特性及十分平衡著大家的味道,不會搶了風頭,莓味的酸剛好襯托橡木的香,農舍酵母亦提升了其啤酒本身的水果味道,酒體溫和,即使要我獨自完成一、兩枝500亳升的枝裝亦不是問題,問題是在香港跟本沒機會買到啊。
A gift from geeks all the way from the states--a barrel aged sour brew with blueberry, this is one complex beer giving drinkers a feel of saison/kriek/flanders red influemces, so tasty and balance--only problem is--can't find this in Hong Kong!
第四枝 萬聖節啤酒
New York USA / Southern Tier / Pumking 8.6%ABV
我一向喜歡喝一些香料味的啤酒,而秋季啤酒系列中的南瓜啤(Pumpkin Ale)就是其中一款,當中的南瓜在啤酒的角色其實不算特出,它本來就是沒有很強的味道,所以釀製啤酒時都需要加入香料如玉桂、荳蔻、丁香等提升味道,就如南瓜湯主要味道也是來自胡蘿蔔。 這枝美國品牌出的南瓜啤比平常的更加濃味、酒精度較高,入口帶強而有力的麥芽骨幹如輕烘焙、焦糖、餅乾,再來是不同香料味蜂擁而上,亦不會帶酒精的刺鼻感,十分適合十月尾開始轉涼的天氣。
Fish enjoys beers with spices, and this is one of those--This is quite a stronger than usual pumpkin brew in terms of flavours/abv, tastiing light roasted malt-caramel-biscuit with spices influence but no burning alcohol, suitable for weather towards last quarter of year.  

第五枝 注入氮氣的啤酒
Hong Kong / Celebration Ale on Nitro / Young Master / 6%ABV
不同季節也有對應的季節性啤酒,在冬天時會有很多高濃度或帶有香料的啤酒,如紅酒般,冬天會加入不同水果及香料煮熱成熱紅酒(Mulled Wine)。今次我選中的是較溫和的波特黑啤,如果一晚想多喝幾杯酒,高濃度的選擇可能兩杯後便有醉意了。所以這杯剛剛好,加入香料釀造,帶有微烘焙麵包、朱古力、咖啡、玉桂、丁香等等味道,特別的是酒廠為它注入氮氣令其口感更加滑身、泡頭更加豐厚,有如雪糕般幼滑,如果再配一塊薑餅進食簡直如虎添翼,更加滋味。
A spiced stouts on nitro--best for cooler weather--smooth as ice-cream--if add on a gingerbread to go along with--even better.

第六枝 陳年版印度淡啤
Delaware USA / Dogfish Head / 120 Minute IPA / 16.5 -21%ABV / IBU120
通常選擇印度淡啤(IPA)的條件是取決於啤酒的新鮮程度,愈新鮮愈美味。在一次啤酒聚會中,主題為不同陳年年份啤酒的轉變,整晚有不同品種的陳年版,十分有趣的嘗試,最令我記得就是這枝120 Minute帝國印度淡啤(Imperial IPA),大約年份為20132016,釀酒師更聲稱這是釀過最濃烈的印度淡啤,釀製過程中,每天都加入新鮮啤酒花冷泡(這做法稱為Dry-Hopped),目標酒精可高達21度酒精濃度,甘苦度高至120IBU。當啤酒花不再為新鮮而喝,那會是什麼的味道?陳年過的啤酒酒精都會降低一點,例如2009年的120 Minute只淨下18度酒精濃度,會更加著重麥芽的表現,有些麥芽糖、拖肥糖、焦糖,也有啤酒花的回甘帶有花香、樹脂、泥士、熟成水果味道等,個人認為有點像啤酒花沉澱後的大麥啤(Barley Wine)
Had it during a beer sharing with different years vertical variants(2013-2016), an interesting experience--personally Fish thought it's tasting more like a Barley Wine with faded hops influence. 

第七枝 最好的經典黑啤
California USA / AleSmith / Speedway Stout 12%ABV
Speedway司陶特黑啤一直都很受歡迎 (Stout),可惜在香港沒有經銷商代理這款酒,第一次試是朋友在美國帶回來,雖然只有一小杯但已令我一試愛上,直至在新加坡發現有零售時立即刻不容緩地買了,終於可以一大杯慢慢品嚐。它人入了當地優質烘焙咖啡,柔滑口感,氣泡亦較細膩,有濃郁的黑麥特性,如黑朱古力、烘焙咖啡、深色水果、拖肥糖、焦糖等味道,味道整體都很平衡,很容易飲,一整晚也很舒服,即使放了一小時,風味依然濃而不膩,但要小心的是竟然有12度酒精濃度。
Fish first had a little of this famous stout when a friend brought back from the states since theres no official distro in Hong Kong--and then found it in Singapore and happily bought to drink more for herself :)    A tasty stout that still taste really nice even after leaving aside for an hour--but look out for the abv though.

第八枝 甜絲絲蜂蜜酒
Michigan USA / B. Nektar / #dragonsarereal / 14%ABV
近年香港興起蜂蜜酒熱潮,它也是啤酒品種之一,是以蜜糖取代麥芽為原材料釀製的啤酒,味道會偏甜,對於啤酒新手這絕對是非常易飲之選,但相對由於全用高質蜜糖提煉所以價格亦會偏高。其實我不算是一個嗜甜的人,但這枝Dragon are Real令我十分驚喜,是一枝加入了車厘子汁、烟熏墨西哥辣椒、可可豆釀製的蜂蜜酒,再把它放入New Holland酒廠的Dragon’s Milk木桶中陳年,性格十分複雜, 酒體帶紅寶石色,入口先是感受到黑朱古力的香味、帶有莓味的微微甜味,尾段才感受到辣椒的風味,有輕輕的灼熱感在喉嚨中盪氣迴腸,整體感覺十分平衡,每個味道都相得益彰,剛好到位,甜得舒服、辣得舒服。
Mead is something very new to Hong Kong--it can be seen as a type of craft beer--instead of using malt as base for fermentation--mead uses honey---Fish is not a sweet-tooth person but was pleasantly surprised with this one--a complex one with hints of sweet and spiciness--a distinctively nice one.

 Craft-drinking is a fun way to get to know friends from all over the world, especially meeting like minded people and sharing experiences of craft-tasting. Learning how to appreciate the taste profile of a brew would help one to value the brew better, including understanding the story/spirits of the brew/breweries--that would make craft-drinking that much more fun. Cheers.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


The second list for 2017 is from Alex Hsu(徐祖堂)of Taipei, a beer geek who also writes to share his encounters with beer/mead, Alex runs a page on FB dedicated to craft-sharing @ttcraftbeer written in Mandarin.
The list is written by Alex in Mandarin while the English transcript is done basing on my interpretations( which is not really word by word translations)--pics too from Alex--the sequences of the list is not by any means a top 10 of the year sort of list but rather was decided by sequences of how the pics were taken/sent in....
年度最有印象酒单继续,这次是来自台北的朋友ALEX徐祖堂的自选, 酒单照片和中文都是ALEX提供:-

1De Garde Saison Facile
來自美國奧勒岡州的De Garde是我心目中前五名的酒廠,而這款則是我人生中第一款De Garde的酒;冷泡酒花並放入橡木桶中熟成的酸啤酒實在是無與倫比,酒花的乾淨水果氣息搭配酸啤酒特有的Funky風味真的是巧妙的不能再更多,讓喝的人垂涎三尺不能自己。
To Alex--De Garde is simply one of his personal TOP 5 breweries, this bottle was his first ever De Garde beer--he was obviously overjoyed.
2Deschutes / Hair of the Dog Conflux No. 1 - Collage
兩家美國精釀神廠的心血結晶;分別將DeschutesDissident, The Stoic Hair of the Dog Fred, Adam混合並放入Rye Whiskey, Cognac, Sherry, Pinot Noir, Bourbon, used American Oak, new American Oak and new Oregon Oak等橡木桶中進行兩年熟成的作品。目前市面上還買的到NO.2第二代作品,但這次分享的是2010出版的第一代超限量款項。風味上感覺就好像走入迷宮一樣,好複雜、層次感又超高,根本在這風味迷宮裡迷路且徜徉在內。
A collab by 2 of America's famous breweries--a blend of 2 each's famous brew and then went into oak barrel aging for 2 years--Ale had the 2010 version which he felt as if stepping into a taste labyrinth, so complex one seemingly got lost.  
3Alchemist Heady Topper
堪稱NE IPA始祖的他果真有其獨到之處,現今的NE IPA大多著重於果汁般的風味與外觀,雖然非常的易飲順口,但總覺得少了點自己的個性,不過Heady Topper除了混濁的外觀與果汁般的風味外,更多了股鮮明的酵母果酯風味,完全走出自己的路,不愧是NE IPA門派的張三丰啊!
The grand master of NEIPA, distinct characteristics of it's own makes it the standout among the sea of NEIPAs.
4Russian River Blind Pig IPA
這支酒我覺得最厲害的地方不是在於味道的豐富性(當然也是很強啦),而是在其強到變態的易飲性和平衡感,不開玩笑,我真的是在10分鐘內喝完,一口接著一口完全停不下來,喝完一整個滿足又惆悵。實在太強了!若要我選Pliny the ElderBlind Pig,個人會更推薦後者!
Alex love the easy drinking and balance of this brew--in fact he finished the whole bottle within 10 minutes of pouring--and totally satisfied and in awe.
5Russian River Pliny the Elder
終於喝到傳說的Double IPA 王者-Russian River Pliny The Elder
Finally got to taste this legendary king of double IPA--the balance and drinkability is why this is such a legendary brew.
6Mikkeller Beer Celebration 2017
方丈的巧手下,這款作品絕對配得上「狂」一字;其將Spontan Yuzu這款經典作品提升至2.0版後再放入橡木桶中熟成,成就了這支很猛的作品!而這款酒真的是暴力直接,沒在跟你廢話的。直接一個柚子重拳貫倒你,再用舒服的酸度扶你一把,揍的你不要不要的。
Alex love this barrel aged Yuzu brew in conjunction with MBCC this year in Copenhagen--a no nonsense straight in your face Yuzu beer.
7Thomas Hardy's Ale (2005)
Thomas Hardy's Ale是英國非常非常經典的Barley Wine,其在世界各國的精釀啤酒愛好者中都是急欲追求的品項,特點在於非常適合陳年存放。
A classic English Barley wine--this is one quite old bottle which seems to developed into some form of sherry wine-ish beer--so tasty. 
8、吉姆老爹 波本桶陳釀帝國紅愛爾
The first barrel aged beer from Taiwan's local brewery--a significant one in terms of local brew barrel aging program--Alex is already eagerly awaiting the upcoming batches...
9Jester King Kvass
Kvass是一種盛行於俄羅斯、東歐地區的傳統發酵酒類,其以麵包進行發酵。這種風格的酒一直有所耳聞,但從來沒有機會品嘗,這次在東京Craftheads看到居然有Jester King酒廠的該款作品,怎麼能不喝呢!雖然其並不是非常標準的Kvass,但也足夠一窺門路了~
Something Alex found during the recent trip to Tokyo--Kvass is a traditional style brewed mainly at Eastern Europe--this is the American version by Jester King.
10Lervig / Hoppin' Frog Sippin' Into Darkness
A collab brew served as the end of Tokyo trip beer for Alex--happiness was flowing.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Today is  Boxing Day, few more days to go before we say goodbye to the year 2017--has it been a good one? so so one? not so good one in terms of craft-findings?  we all would have different encounters/discoveries whichever cities you might be in, as customary of this blog, let's look at some list from geeks/friends around Asia, starting with a list from Samuel from Singapore.

Samuel is an engineer by profession, never met him during my early days of going to SG for beer, but met in Copenhagen during 2016 MBCC beer week, with very few of us from KL & SG among the handful of geeks from Asia who ventured all the way to CPH just for beers, it was easy to get to know each other.

The list from Samuel showed a deep influence of being at MBCC this year--which he went again after last year--in a way also showing what those of us who did not make it to MBCC this year missed out on....

1)Voodoo Brewery, Man Bear Pig, -
smells of dark chocolate and bourbon for days, tastes like bitter dark chocolate, chocolate syrup, good decent bourbon, maple syrup, raisins, honey, perfect medium body, dark chocolate bitterness and bourbon finish is very slow, perfect liquid cake.
2) Westbrook Brewing co. Mexican Cake BA Van Winkle
smells of toasted coconut, vanilla, milk chocolate, cinnamon, tastes of distinct toasted coconut, chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate cake, then cinnamon cinnabon develops into the back, cinnamon spice, cinnamon donut chocolate aftertaste is slow.
3) Cycle Brewing, Rarer Scoop
 rich chocolate, milk chocolate, vanilla, dark chocolate, melted chocolate ice cream,
4) Societe Brewing Comapny, The Butcher, -
smells vanilla, dark chocolate, coffee, tastes of good vanilla, dark chocolate, brown sugar, big powdery dark chocolate towards the back, silky medium body, bitter dark chocolate
5) Abnormal Beer co.,  Goodbye Tomorrow -
 dark chocolate, honey, marshmallows, vanilla, medium body, moderate finish

6) Sante Adairius Brewing, West Ashley -
Pinot noir BA saison, smells grassy hay field funk, rotting fruit, tastes of tart grape, lemony, then good floral grassy funk, clean grassy, light body, grassy funk lemon aftertaste finish is fast, very hill farmstead-esque
7) Jester King Brewery, Atrial Rubicite -
smells of clean raspberry jam, tastes of all kind of berry tartness, then berry tartness worthy of a good cheesecake, light juicy body, finish is moderate tart berries,makes you want to eat a  berry cheesecake
8) Trillium Brewing co., Permutation Series Number Eleven
smells ripe peach, nectarine, apricot, overipe mango, tastes tart apricot, tart peach, peach pith, tart nectarine, tart apricot curd, so tasty, light medium body, tart peach pith finishes moderately fast

9) Tree House Brewing Co. Green
smells pineapple, floral, mango, tastes fibrous ripe mango, mango-peach dank, over-ripe pineapple, grilled pineapple, juicy body, mango-fibrous pith bitter aftertaste finishes moderate
10) Foley Brother Brewing, Prospect -
smells tart-bitter orange pith, nuance pine, floral, blood orange, tastes very blood orange, dank and resinous, pineapple pith, green onion-y? juicy-oily light-medium body, sticky grapefruit oily resin finish is so slow
11) Cloudwater Brew co., v13,- 
smells of ripe sweet mango, tastes of ripe sweet mango, somemore mango, then very decent dank, peach, some pine, grassy, dank comes out alot when warm, juicy body, fruity mango and grapefruit aftertaste finish is moderate, mango-flavoured burps
12) Half Acre Beer co., Galactic Double Daisy Cutter -
smells floral, mango and peach, tastes of papaya, floral, unripe mango, unripe peach, light-medium body, floral mango, pith bitter aftertaste finish is moderate

Sunday, December 24, 2017

WEEK 121--Either end of Tokyu Setagaya Line

Last piece on the recent trip to Tokyo is more about visiting friend's places rather than exploring new bar/bottle shop, because of Pigalle Tokyo which located nearby Sangenjaya Station,which is at the beginning of the community light train Setagaya Line, and Hatos Outside which happened to be located at the last stop of the line at Shimo-takaido station, i was travelling on Setagaya Line more often than i thought i would. 
以最中心的山手线为基点来说,东京除了涉谷新宿池袋等闹区有不少craft 酒吧,一些比较不那么受游客关注的小区其实也有好些各有特色craft 专卖吧或瓶子店可以走走看看喝喝,比如很多人公认至少需要去一次,有70个啤酒泵的老牌专卖吧Popeye 就在山手线之外的两国站附近,还有距离算蛮远的北千住区也有一家规模比很多啤迷熟悉的田中屋更多啤酒选择的瓶子店/酒吧, 至于东京临近周边地区比如横滨的就更是有不少,比如美国啤酒入口商Antenna America 在办公楼开的酒吧瓶子店,比如小型酿吧Thrash Zone 等等。 
For those of you who have yet to visit Pigalle Tokyo, it's basically a tiny bottle shop+neighbourhood bar, with just 1 small fridge full of bottles plus 5 taps--this is a cozy small place with carefully selected beers, if you speaks Japanese, you can have nice conversation with the owners Hide & Chie, if you don't, English still works here to a certain extend.
第一次来三轩茶屋这家小小酒吧瓶子店是几年前,那时跟<东京啤酒人>部落客朋友 一起探寻横滨啤酒热点后过来,和老板夫妇初次见面,对店和人都留下良好印象,之后每次来东京基本会来坐坐,又或偶尔推荐朋友去。
I first visited Pigalle few years back with Neil of Tokyo Beer Drinker blog and has been visiting whenever in town, the beers here are very much European influenced with some Japanese brew in the mix, for examples there was limited number of the blended and un-blended version of Yorocco saison for sale when visited.
For those of you fascinated with Japanese sub-culture, expect a train with Maneki-Neko( fortune cat) design to service you on Setagaya Line--this is one daily routine surprises awaiting to be discovered if you are a fan of cat figurine designs on a small community mundane commuting train, and if you are an ardent fan of the popular cat figure, there's a shrine located within the 10 stations on the train line which one could go pay a visit.
Going to Shimo-takaido station for a beer place would not be on most people's plan especially if you are from out of town--it was because of a friend's new bar--the new location for Hatos bar--a bar nearby Naka-Meguro station and well known to drinkers for their exclusive imports of Gigantic and Upright  beers from Oregon, plus their famous Smoked BBQ pork dishes. This time around though, the new bar which is named Hatos Outside, signaling it's slightly far off from town center, is located at a very local community focus area, though the beers from Oregon still in tact, the food is somehow very local--Japanese curry --with no smoked BBQ. 
朋友开在下高井户的酒吧跟本店概念不太一样,已经营多年的本店位于靠近代官山站或中目黑站走路可到范围内,以美式烤肉和自家进口美国酿坊Gigantic Upright这两个酿坊啤酒为人知。一如店名的OUTSIDE所指,新店选在比较外围,当地人为主的小区,选酒基本没太大差别,食物倒是从美式烤肉变成只卖日式咖哩,感觉有点想把CRAFT文化从比较多外国人客源本店扩散到比较本地人社区的企图心。
Went there to meet up with co-owners friend on rainy nights-- shared some brew--chatted a little--i guess the mood was more about chilling than trying to seek out any rare bottles or to be at any of the hottest craft places in Tokyo, sometimes, craft beer is also about having some quiet time with friend/s.
It is no doubt craft choices in and around Tokyo is one of the best Asia can offer, though some other cities are slowly upping the craft game, when it comes to the officially imported variants/varieties game, Tokyo is still one of the best--along side  Mikkeller Bangkok with some of it's never seen in Asia varieties/tap takeover events popping up from time to time.