Monday, December 23, 2013




不过,在等待比利时的Zinnerbir圣诞特酿到手之前,这支2 liter大瓶装的HOPUS是很不错的选择。

HOPUS也是来自比利时,因为本地有比利时人代理,所以除了Craft beer bar/shop, 也可以在一些比较UP的超市买到。比如BANGSAR就有。





HOPUS ratebeer link:-

I had a 2 liter Hopus opened much earlier.

Yes, this is not yet a hohoho Xmas brew that i am waiting for(that would be a Zinnerbir 2013 Xmas special bottle) but since that bottle has still yet to be in my hands, thought Hopus would be a nice bottle to open for a Xmas party especially since it is readily available in KL not just at Taps bar KL, ales & lagers publika, but also selected super market in town(like Bangsar...)

The much heavier 2 liter bottle cannot be poured as shown, where the golden color beer and the slightly murky color of beers with good volume of yeast down the bottom can be poured into two glasses and drink alternatively, giving two quite different taste of freshness and yeasty bittersweet.
While it is interesting separating the top and bottom part of the beer, it is no less tasty drinking as it is, i.e. all mixed up in one pour.

In case you been having most of the super market stock of "factory beers" all along, or say been started to drink some German brews, Hopus can be a nice choice for your next step to the world of craft beers.

Merry Xmas and have some good good beers....

Next up---Beer list 2013/14(basically memorable beers had in 2013, and thoughts, wishes for beers in 2014, list provided by different craft beer friends)

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