Sunday, January 25, 2015

WEEK 42--A few "craft-terms"(Part 2/2)

Some say there's no such thing as "palate building"--beer is just beer--just drink--what so complicated about it?
Of course some would say yes--there's a period of "palate building" for every newbie--that your taste bud/senses need some time( few months to a year or even longer...) to get use to/get around the different "stimulation" generated by different beer styles.
And--many also believe that drinking craft should start with the lightest, and gradually to the stronger/strongest beer--because a stronger beer( in taste/type--not just abv)would in theory "over-power/destroy" your palate, hence can't fully appreciate a perceived "weaker"beer .
Well, some people would just do the opposite--starting with the stronger( or even the strongest beer)--and reverse the sequence--if that suits you---why not?

也有人说,其实有点讲究的。讲究什么呢?PALATE BUILDING,培养口味的意思。说的是刚从喝平淡无趣普通大厂啤酒转向撞意啤酒的新朋友需要时间“练”一下味觉嗅觉,逐步适应众多不同类别撞意啤酒带来的味蕾新体会。

Many would say low abv beer or session beer is anything with 5% abv or lower( though some might think 6% +- is still fine) --the idea is simple---yummy beer that won't kick your ass after one pint or a bottle--one that you could probably go for 3-4 during a drink session if you really love it so much.

if you have tasted quite a few crazy big beers--sometimes all you want is just tasty beer that's still complex yet easy to drink.
不同于“入门级别”啤酒,SESSION BEER涵盖范围很广,可以是浅啤,淡啤,印度淡啤或黑啤类。很多喝过不少疯狂酿品的啤迷,到了某个程度,会逐渐转向不那么疯狂的易喝又美味啤酒。

This may sound like a term more often associated with wine/whiskey, especially with the image of a guy holding a glass, a basket in waiting and spitting out...
In the world of Craft Beer there's such thing called tasting session too--and NO--we do not spit out( unless if the beer has gone bad or super duper badly made)

This is in fact the best way to not drink in quantity but quality--a group of few geeks/friends--each bring out a bottle or two of their best kept secret bottle/s--best way to enjoy good beer.
TASTING SESSION可同时间少量喝到不少好瓶子,是啤迷互相“开牌”本身收藏的好玩聚会,更适合喜欢“喝少尝多”的朋友(很多啤迷朋友早已不在乎量,高质素才是目标)。

Thursday, January 22, 2015

WEEK 42---A few "Craft-terms"(part 1/2)

Being a beer geek is like falling into "BLACK HOLE"(with no end in sight)...
it's just a personal view, but probably that's how lots of beer geek felt.

Black Hole is also a big beer from Mikkeller--had it on tap not long ago--felt really disappointed as it was nothing like the "BIG"stout i was expecting---DO i call it a bad beer? NOPE--will have to find a bottle--try it--it's only fair to make any judgement after that.(sounds familiar?  )

The never ending search for targeted beers may sound tiring --but true beer geek would not mind that at all...


ENVY is one of the bottles from "sinner series"by Amager--though this is more of a marketing ploy--but it is true that ENVY is part of the craft beer culture.

Just look around what's posted on social media--there's endless expression of envy( in a good way--mostly) when someone is having a beer or two/a bottle or more of what another does not already had/tasted/longing for.....( geek are essentially a bunch of freaks always going forward inside the black hole....)


IPA is DEAD? well..just like many band/singer song writers had sang about rock & roll is dead or pop is dead---of course it is not dead.

IPA is very much alive and kicking--- it's most likely the best seller at most craft beer places in lots of different cities--and generally seen as the "entry level test" for newbie who can't handle bitterness --but once the palate got around---you are already half a leg inside the black hole..... 
“印度淡啤已死”是苏格兰坏孩子BREWDOGSINGLE HOP(单一啤酒花) IPA系列名称。


NEXT UP--A few "craft-terms"(part 2/2)

Monday, January 19, 2015

2014 Memorable Beer List--Final list by YINHAI(Beijing)




就那样,反正CRAFT BEER崇尚自由发挥,是宣传还是分享,见仁见智,喝过的会知道。

The final list from Beijing may seems like a PR/Promo list to some, as all 6 beer mentioned were from one brew bar in Beijing, and the guy who wrote this, a well known "beer nut"amongst Beijing craft fraternity is the owner of the bar--YINHAI.

This is how it went when asked for his beer list:-
YINHAI"the beers i love are those only available in my brewpub--can i write?”
ME"well, there's nothing wrong if all those you really like are within your bar only..."

craft beer is all about exploring, sharing and freedom of expression---if you think this is just a list to promote own bar--then yes--so be it---but if you think it's really because he had tried so many beers from other brewers and last year only love his own beers--so be it too...

here's the list :-(original copy written in Mandarin by Yinhai)
SAISON IPA--American Hops, IBU45, Belgium style saison--a mix of old new world beer styles.
季节苦啤Saison IPA,一款用美式啤酒花,苦度值45的比利时式Saison啤酒,新旧世界经典啤酒的溶合,即保留了Saison口感和香味的多样化,又引入了明显的美式酒花味。

OYSTER STOUT--traditional English stout infused with French oyster--with obvious hint of oyster after taste, light toast light sweetness, aromatic.
生蚝世涛Oyster Stout,传统的英式世涛黑啤加入法国生蚝,回口有微弱但明显的生蚝的鲜香,烘焙味非常柔和,略回甜,花香四溢。

FRENCH DUBBEL--using Belgium Dubbel as base, added with yeast from a famous French wine yard--fruity, red in color, smooth, perfect combo of beer and wine.
法式双料French Dubbel,以一款经典的比利时双料为基底,但却采用法国著名葡萄酒酒庄的葡萄酒酵母发酵,带来奇特的果味,加之艳红的酒体,顺滑的口感,是啤酒和红酒的完美结合。

GERMAN STYLE KOLSCH--our most simple brew--with german malts, hops and yeast--clean, crisp, direct---having tried so many beer with different styles/play of style---this one always reminded me why people drink beer( in the very beginning).
BEJINGER WEISSE--- a beer infused with local identity--using Beijing old school "sour milk" yeast with some local spices.
北京人小麦酸啤Beijinger Weisse,一款本地特色的Berliner Weisse,北京老酸奶的乳酸菌参与发酵,再加入小许本地香料,在这款经典酸啤中带上本地风味,

ZHONGNANHAI SMOKE---Zhongnanhai--the heart of Chinese government--also the most famous alternative song, the most famous cigarettes brand---and now the famous smoke beer in Beijing.
中南海烟熏啤酒Zhongnanhai Smoke,中南海,中共总部,北京最流行的半地下歌曲,北京最流行的香烟,现在,也是北京最有名的烟熏啤酒。


Thursday, January 15, 2015

WEEK 41--2014 Memorable Beer List--by CT(Part 3/3)

Part 3/3 of my beer list is about some heavier beer( 9% or above):-
Xiquic and the hero twin by Amager + Cigar City
Very interesting stout--with a strong initial celery like smell(it's in fact the after effects of cedar wood)--not a beer everyone would like--but it stick on me after overcoming the initial "strange" smell--a smooth and flavorful stout.
丹麦AMAGER和美国CIGAR CITY合酿,利用香彬木“浸泡”,带出彬木独有味道的搞怪黑啤,入口有类似芹菜味道侵来,不是一般人会喜欢类型,好玩好喝。
Golden Monkey by Victory Brewing
This is one naughty monkey--a golden triple--taste crisp and easy on the palate---but beware not to gulp too fast--it would climb up your head very soon.
美国VICTORY酿坊的GOLDEN MONKEY,爽口易喝又带劲的比利时风格TRIPLE,看似温驯,不过别喝太快,金毛猴会爬上头。
Red Horizon(edition 2) by Nogne
A sake beer--nothing like what usual impression we have about sake--this is a murky color strong ale--with version3 tasted back to back--would say edition 2 is a much balance and nicer one.
挪威NOGNE酿坊利用日本长野县的清酒酵母(SAKE YEAST)酿造的旧式浓啤酒,RED HORIZON EIDTION2,不同系列有不同口感味道,个人觉得第二版最均衡对味。
BOMB!--by Prairie Artisan Ale
Though a high abv stout---it's so smooth and creamy--nothing harsh on the palate--if you love your stout thick and strong--you will love this one.
美国酿坊PRAIRIE ARTISAN ALES的强力黑啤BOMB!,虽然酒精度14%,但酒体醇香顺滑,没有呛鼻现象,喜欢浓黑啤的会爱。
Nelson Sauvignon by Mikkeller
Champagne in a beer--or beer in a champagne? this is one very crisp, with hint of sour, bubbly beer--in a nice way. Feels like having a champagne+sauvignon blanc--but a beer for sure---a fun combination.
丹麦大师的“香槟啤酒”,MIKKELLER NELSON SAUVIGNON,绝对有特色金黄啤,完全有在喝着香槟感觉,却又很明显的告诉你,这是好玩组合的啤酒。
Imperial Biscotti Break by Evil Twin
Feels like having a mocha coffee with added dark chocolate, smooth and creamy --no doubt a very nice "dessert" beer 
Risgoop by Mikkeller + Three Floyds
Barley wine is always a very potent--what we call a kick-ass type--and when you have two big names brewers coming together for a collab( which sometimes is not a guarantee for success)--this one is a tasty but dangerously smooth beer.
Sucre by The Bruery
One of the highlights for 2014 is this bottle brought back from Tanakaya bottle shop in Mejiro, Tokyo( thanks Michael)-somewhat sweet old ale/strong ale with strong hint of bourbon influence--but both complex and easy on the palate--makes you wonder the limitless possibilities of beer---already looking forward to tasting this one again sooner rather than later.
2014年其中一支最让人惊艳瓶子,朋友从东京带回尝味,来自美国酿坊THE BRUERYSUCRE。属旧式浓啤(OLD ALE)类别,威士忌桶陈年处理过,接近18%酒精度的复杂酒体口感带着威士忌烈酒特有的甘甜,让人惊叹啤酒变化层面真的无可限量。

Bottles not included in newspaper column:-
Sort Maelk by To Ol
Milk stout just sounded a little bit "off" a little "white" for stout lover--of course it's still a dark color beer--but just the thought of it being too milky or thin is an annoying thought as i like stout to be thick and creamy--and this one is a very nice stout for sure.
Hell and Damnation by De Molen
Obviously there are many different version of this strong stout--but just the Original version is good enough--had it on tap--so delicious that you just have to run for a second serving.
Vanilla Shake by Mikeller
Had this on tap and bottles---lovely no doubt but also heavy for sure...If you like beer geek breakfast, as well brunch weasal--this one is like the combo and enhanced( like at least double up) version of the two--in a nice and STRONG way--yes--look out for the kick--do not drink this empty stomach( you have been warned!...:) 
如果你喝过“啤迷早餐”和“猫屎咖啡”版本--这是两者加起来再加强版本--美味肯定--不过小心慢喝--也不要空肚子当餐来喝--会KICK ASS的。
Speedway Stout by Alesmith
Having tasted this stout earlier---it is still a very nice stout to be had anytime of the year---no doubt a benchmark of how a nice stout would be--just throw me one anytime...( and yes---very much looking forward to getting a bottle of the collab brew between Mikkeller weasal + Speedway stout...)

Looking forward to a better beer year...cheers.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

2014 Memorable Beer List---by CT(Part 2/3)


Part 2 of the beer list is about beer between 6-9% abv:-
Imperial Black by Buxton
This is Black IPA--but taste in between a roasted IPA and light porter--very balance--nothing overpowering on the bitter front, certainly became one of favourites black ipa besides To Ol's black maria...
英国BUXTONIMPERIAL BLACK ,不强调苦味的黑色IPA,香醇甘香,易喝对味。
Blossom by TO OL
had it on tap--full of spring season freshness--almost like a low abv ale,very likeable.
丹麦TO OL春天特酿BLOSSOM,接近低度易喝金黄啤,充满季节香,很讨喜。
Ruination IPA by Stone
If you like a bittersweet ipa--this is a very nice one.(and yes i also like the "common"ipa from stone--as well ruiten was nice too)
美国STONE RUINATION 双份IPA,喜欢甘苦味中带点香甜余韵的,这支错不了。
Rex Attitude by Yeastie Boys
Some friends can't take the heavy peated smell that rushes to the nose--it's a light body golden ale--but the key to this beer is the smell---personally it's a very nice palate change beer--or any other way--nice being on it's own too.
纽西兰YEASTIE BOYS重度烟熏味金黄啤REX ATTITUDE,酒体口感很轻,这是“重味”好玩啤酒,关键在烟熏味。
Mikkeller 10 by Mikkeller
The name says it all--10 hops--one very delicious/fruity IPA--only complaint is---when can i have this again?
丹麦大师混合十种啤酒花特色酿,MIKKELLER 10 ,味道口感果香四溢,美味。
Alpha King by Three Flyods
No doubt ZOMBIE KING is widely-touted as the best of it's kind--make no mistake--i like it very much--but somehow i find Alpha King gets a little bit more on the palate--very nice to have had both on tap( *not in KL)
美国THREE FLOYDSZOMBIE DUST是更受公认的最佳淡啤,个人偏向另一支同风格的ALPHA KING,能喝上啤酒泵版本更是美好。(国外喝到)
Tart of Darkness by The Bruery
Very interesting indeed--a stout "reinvented" with sour wild yeast--i can take sour--and i like stout a lot--to have both in one beer is fun(*not in KL)
美国THE BRUERY搞怪作品,TART OF DARKNESS,把酸味酵母加入黑啤中玩变奏,是较少见的香醇带酸黑啤,有趣好喝。(国外喝到)

Bottles not mentioned in newspaper column:-
Sculpin IPA by Ballast Point
Yes--the American is known for playing with hops--and IPA--this is certainly a very tasty IPA--fruity, aromatic--highly appreciated.(*not in KL)
Hopus Primeur 2014 by Lefebvre
Thanks to Manu for this bottle of Hopus variants--unlike the regular version--this is a "hoppy" belgium strong ale--while maintaining distinct Belgian beer character of yeasty influence, a nice twist to the usual version.
Nipponia Ancient Pilsner by Hitachino
Certainly something different--fruity, crisp with a slightly unorthodox taste but in a nice way--good for a hot day sip...
Red Chair by Deschutes
For a pale ale slight over 6%--red chair has got most character i like in a "light beer"---it actually taste "rich" for a pale ale--slightly sweet but just the way i like it.

NEXT UP--Beer List by CT(Part 3/3)

Friday, January 9, 2015

2014 Memorable Beer List--by CT((KL)--Part 1/3

写回顾BEER LIST的念头很简单,想了解下朋友或不同城市的人在喝什么,有什么是让人回味的。


The thought of writing a LIST is simply because of curiosity-- what friend's list would be, what beers people in different cities like....

This is my personal list of memorable ones from last year--since i have a weekly newspaper column--the list were published as a sort of conclusion piece for last year.( having done 40 weeks in a row---the weekly column would now be biweekly)

The beer list would be divided into 3 parts--into low/mid/high abv category....

6% or below :-
Fortunate Islands by Modern Times
appeared in KL later part of last year, but jump right into the list. A very pleasant anytime ale.The info printed says it all--hops-wheat-tropical ---just perfect combo.
美国新贵酿坊MODERN TIMESFORTUNATE ISLANDS,结合麦芽/啤酒花/热带水果特色的金黄啤。
Golden Perch by Yeastie Boys
Having had two other beer from Yeastie Boys which i like--this pale ale was ordered more as try out than must have--it turn out to be one fine golden ale( however--this beer which is a special brew in conjunction with the premier of the movie The Hobbit--will have a change of name and a little tweak next time it's in the market)
Semi-Conductor by 8Wired
For newbie who are still not really used to the hoppy taste of IPA, this one which is in between a pale ale and IPA is a nice starter--and tasty too.
Amerikaans by De Molen
The name suggested where the influence on the beer comes from--a hop influenced but still light and easy ale--had this after a heavy tasting session and it just felt so RIGHT...( *not in KL)
荷兰名牌DE MOLEN酿坊轻度淡啤AMERIKAANS,使用美国啤酒花“浸泡”的甘香金黄啤。(国外喝到)
Gueuze by Cantilion
If you like beer that has got "champagne like bubbles"--and that it must give your taste bud some Sour+ Freshness--won't go wrong with this one from Cantillion.(*not in KL)

Bottles not listed in newspaper column:-
Krlek(winter version) by Mikkeller
Had this one many times--it's almost like a go to beer--can have this anytime--only if it's that easily available locally..;)
Gamma Ray by Beavertown
Though had it once some time back bottle--if you like a pale ale that's slightly more citrusy/fruity---this is a nice one.(*not in KL)
Daytime by Lagunitas
I remember telling people who came to the booth where this bottle was on sale( during a beerfest)--"try this--it's a very nice pale ale"--obviously i have nothing to do with sale or the brand--but just thought it was worth introducing to people who have not try...(*not in KL)
在一次国外啤酒节--朋友”档口”有卖--记得一直告诉找酒喝的新朋友--TRY 这支--好好喝。。:)

NEXT UP--2014 beer list by CT--part 2/3